Sarasota Edition

Helping Your Child Choose the Best College While Selecting the Best Financial Options

By Dr. Christine Davis – Edison State College – As your son/daughter pre-pares to enter college, you will have plenty of questions.  Which college should they attend?  What should they select as their major?  How will we pay for college?  Luckily, there are many options and resources available to assist in making these decisions. When deciding on the college that …

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Do You Know Someone Who Could Use A Visit From The Angels?

Our memory is the attainment and preservation of information we take in each day. Memory plays a major role in our daily lives. An alarming statistic is that there are approximately 24 million people living with some form of memory loss; many of these people are senior citizens (Lorne). Though this knowledge may be unnerving, there are preventative measures that …

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Deal with the Fear First

By Alex Anderson Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church Not long ago I asked my wife a drilling question, “What would be the most important advice you could give to another person who ‘just found out’ that they had cancer?”  She went completely silent for a few moments, then looked straight into my eyes and without a hint of …

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Vasectomy & Reversal

By Dr. Alan Miller – Vasectomy has grown in popularity throughout the world since its inception in the 19th century. Approximately 600,000 men each year choose to undergo a vasectomy in the United States alone. Of those procedures, urologists perform 85% of vasectomies. A vasectomy is a choice only a man can make, preferably with the support of his partner. …

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Controversial USPSTF Decision on PSA Screening Worries Patients and Physicians

By John Sylvester, M.D. – There has been a great deal of attention in the media recently about PSA screening. The United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) came out with recommendations that PSA screening should not be done. They recommend no routine PSA blood tests for prostate cancer screening. These recommendations may lead Medicare and private insurance companies to …

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Worried About Osteoporosis Medication Side Effects?

20 MINUTES TO FITNESS’ SPECIALIZED WEIGHT TRAINING SHARPLY IMPROVES BONE DENSITY, EVEN IN THE ELDERLY We Americans love a “miracle cure” — a pill we can take to heal what ails us.  What we tend to forget, however, is that the “cure” is sometimes as bad, or worse,than the original disease. Consider osteoporosis, a chronic condition caused by the gradual …

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Lakewood Ranch Medical Massage Launches Book: Top 50 Touch Tips for Couples

By Lizz Pugh, LMT – Here is a sneak peek of my new downloadable eBook “Top 50 Touch Tips for Couples.” As a Valentine’s Day treat, I’m giving away copies of this book for a limited time. The focus of Lakewood Ranch Medical Massage is to give patients the tools they need to carry their healing forward between sessions.  My …

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Reduce Your Risk For Cervical Cancer

By Stephen J. Patrice, M.D., M.P.H. – As a radiation oncologist, I see patients who have already been diagnosed with cervical cancer that require active treatment of the disease.  Advances in operative techniques such as robotic-assisted surgery, new chemotherapeutic agents, and novel radiotherapy technologies including image-guided intensity modulated radiotherapy have led to improved outcomes with less treatment-related toxicity. However, as …

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What is an Urgent Care Clinic?

By Eric M. Folkens, M.D., Family Medicine Bradenton/Lakewood Ranch/Sarasota Urgent Care Walk-In Clinics Where do you go if you get sick at a time when your doctor’s office is closed? What if you need medical assistance but you do not live anywhere near a hospital or your injuries are not life threatening? The answer is to find out where the …

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Two Little Pigs

By Alex Anderson – Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church – Not long ago I was having a meal with a friend of mine who happens to be a very well educated and respected mental health therapist in another city. Since he is a Christ-follower I asked him, as we were finishing up our lunch, “How may I pray …

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