Lee Edition

Age Spots and Sun Damage Management

Age Spots

We all love Florida and everything it has to offer.  While SWFL delivers on average 271 sunny days per year, our skin can reflect that sun damage on our skin.  One common complaint from our clients is hyperpigmentation or age spots on the face, hands and even chest area. Intense pulsed light technology has become a common tool to treat …

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How to Improve Your Cardiovascular Health with Diet & Exercise

Cardiovascular Health

Dr. Joseph Freedman MD, MBA The health of the bodies and vascular system are affected by many things like, stress, substance abuse and genetics, but the main offenders of conditions and disorders are being overweight, poor dietary habits, having high blood sugar levels, chemical and toxin overload, and living a sedentary lifestyle. The Inflammatory Effects of Sugar & Sodium High blood …

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Using CBD for Stress Relief

CBD, or cannabidiol, products have become increasingly popular throughout the last couple of years. Many CBD users claim that CBD may therapeutic effects and can help with a wide variety of ailments, like using CBD for stress relief. However, are the claims accurate, and can CBD products help a person suffering from stress-related health conditions like increased anxiety disorders, mood …

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Ultimate Resource Healthcare Navigators

Ultimate Resource Healthcare

Parkinson’s Disease not only robs the body of mobility, but it also robs the mind of memory. Many Parkinson’s patients can live on their own in the early stages with the support of a family member. However, there will come a time when you feel your loved one needs more care than what can be provided at home. No one …

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The Top 5 Stress Diseases and 5 Natural Ways to Combat Stress

5 Stress Diseases

By Dr. Doreen DeStefano, NhD, APRN Some individuals have a difficult time finding ways to manage stress. The intriguing anatomy and process of our brains help us better understand the production of fear, anxiety, worry, and the decision to take flight or fight. There are neurotransmitters throughout the entire body that send signals to the brain, alerting you instantaneously of …

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Understanding the Pros and Cons of Alternative Investments

Pros and Cons of Alternative Investments

Courtesy of: Juan Ocanas, Financial Advisor at Morgan Stanley In today’s dynamic market environment, some investors may be looking beyond stocks and bonds for other options for investing their money. This search for other options may lead to alternative investments. Alternative investments are investments outside the stock and bond markets, and may include currencies (including cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin), commodities, …

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Hearing loss, Hospitals and Admission Rates

Hearing loss

There are a ton of good reasons to fix your hearing loss. From improving your risks of falls and cognitive decline to helping you live and enjoy your best life. Here’s one more — because people who struggle hearing are more likely to be readmitted to the hospital after discharge. It’s true. According to a study by researchers at New …

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Improve your performance, there is a simple and safe way

Improve your performance, there is a simple and safe way

Alejandro Miranda-Sousa, MD and Darian Yera, APRN Sometimes it is difficult for men to talk about Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Impotence, as it is commonly known, affects not only men but also their partners, as a problem affecting the romantic life and the emotional health of the couple. It’s essential for the couple to understand that ED is very common, most …

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Safety First: Caution is Key to Preventing Sports Injuries

Caution is Key to Preventing Sports Injuries

Since social drinking has become very commonplace in our society, many people are unaware of the long term effects that it has on the body and brain. Depending on the length of time someone has been drinking, and the amount consumed regularly, or in binging episodes, the impact can have moderate to severe outcomes. People usually initially start drinking to …

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FootXPerts – Your Foot Shape Affects Your Entire Posture


By Marek Zajac, FootXperts CEO The majority of people may not have pain in their feet, but further up the anatomical chain. Many studies, including those in the Orthopedic Physical Assessment, state that 80 percent of people have foot dysfunctions which don’t necessarily cause foot pain, but are responsible for their back pain, sciatica, sacral joint pain, hip joint pain, …

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