Age Spots and Sun Damage Management

Age SpotsWe all love Florida and everything it has to offer.  While SWFL delivers on average 271 sunny days per year, our skin can reflect that sun damage on our skin.  One common complaint from our clients is hyperpigmentation or age spots on the face, hands and even chest area.

Intense pulsed light technology has become a common tool to treat a variety of vascular and pigmented lesions.  At Velo Med Spa, we utilize one of the most power IPL machines on the market, Lumecca. It uses a higher peak power to deliver a stronger results, leading to fewer treatments. What the heck is intense pulsed light?  Bascially, it’s a broadband light that targets a certain color or pigmented lesion in the skin which can minimize the appearance of age spots, sun spots, small vascular lesions and even rosacea.

The popularity of IPL technology has increased over the recent years because of the minimal downtime, simplicity, low cost and effectiveness towards the targeted treatment. It even has benefits of overall skin rejuvenation which people love!  Just after one treatment, clients will notice significant improvement in the complexion and clarity of their skin.

What can IPL treat?
• Age spots
• Small vascular lesions around the nose and face
• Rosacea
• Freckle reduction
• Sun damage spots

What is the procedure and what is the downtime?
The procedure is quick and typically takes 20-30 minutes, depending on the area treated. This could literally be done on a lunch break. There is no down time and most people continue their daily routine without disruption after IPL! The treated area is first cleansed well, then after a thin layer of gel applied, the treatment is delivered.  The discomfort is very minimal and typically does not require topical/local anesthesia. Immediately after the treatment, clients may experience slight redness, or feeling like they have a mild sunburn which is normal and usually subsides within hours. Most clients can achieve desired results in 1-2 session spaced about 4 weeks apart, but some may require more treatments. Typically, results can be seen in a few days up to 14 days.

If you love Florida, chances are you may benefit from IPL treatment to acheive that even complexion, minimize the appearance of pigmented or small vascular lesions.  We love this treatment and hope this sheds light on IPL and what it can do for you.

For more information, visit or contact to inquire about IPL or any of our anti-age treatments!

Bonita Springs
28410 Bonita Crossings Blvd, Suite 220
Bonita Springs, FL 34135

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