Lee Edition

Steps To Get Your Heart Healthy

February is the month that we celebrate LOVE with chocolates, candlelit dinners, and bouquets of roses, but before those candies melt, or the flowers fade, it’s important to think about our beating hearts, because February is also Heart Health Awareness Month, and what better time to get serious about prevention. Did you know that after the age of twenty our vascular …

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Fortune Telling & Why Medicaid Planning Starts Now?

By Steven J. Gibbs, Esq. Most of us cannot tell the future, yet preparing for the cost of long term medical care (or skilled nursing care) is always somewhat of a guessing game AND this is why elder law and pre-Medicaid planning should start early and be reviewed often. Why Elder Law and Pre- Medicaid Planning Requires Some Fortune Telling? …

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February is National Pet Dental Health Month

In the words of Lucy on Charlie Brown, “Ugh! I’ve been kissed by a dog! I have dog germs! Get hot water! Get some disinfected! Get  some some Iodine!”  We’ve all experienced it, the dirty dogs, or stinky cat’s breath almost blowing us over with a lingering aroma that only a pet owner can remotely tolerate.  This smelly breath is …

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By Hoglund Family Hearing and Audiology Services Tinnitus is the perception of a sound that has no external source. Some of the more common sounds reported are: ringing, humming, buzzing, and cricket-like. It can also be a combination of sounds, and for many, the sound of their tinnitus actually changes. It can be constant or intermittent and is heard in one …

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Valentine Gifts – THAT SHOW YOU CARE

Instead of the traditional sweets and flowers, consider giving your Valentine a good sunscreen or sun-protective clothing this Valentine’s Day and asking them to do the same for you. This month is the perfect time to give gifts that show you love your special Valentine by giving them a skin protectant or antiaging product. Why is it so important to …

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The Secret Life of Addictions

Addiction is one of those words that carries a lot of weight, but what is an addiction?  It is quite often overusing, overdoing, delving into things heads first, even though we know its negative consequences, secrecy, and betrayal are inescapable.  Addiction is Addiction! All dependencies like drugs and alcohol, food concerns, gambling, excessive shopping and sexual obsessions have a physical …

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LOVE yourself! – Keeping your heart healthy

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women.  Heart disease is caused by atherosclerosis or plaque clogged arteries that restrict the blood flow in the heart. Every year about 735,000 Americans have a heart attack. Warning signs for a heart attack: • Chest pain or discomfort • Upper body pain or discomfort in the arms, back, …

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Have New Year Resolutions Sparked New Joint Pain?

By Debra K. Brinker, RN Overzealous exercising, stemming from New Year’s resolutions can result in injury during this early part of the year. Exercising is  exciting, but going from little or no exercise to a vigorous regimen can set the stage for developing injuries. Addressing injuries and chronic pain the smart way can help you stay active! Preventing chronic sports injuries …

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A New Frontier: The Moon Landing & The Rise of Stem Cells for COPD Treatment

On July 20th, 1969 America did the impossible: it landed two men on the moon. To say this was an unfathomable concept for its time would be an understatement. In a time where basic computers filled entire buildings, the technology and know-how to launch a manned flight seemed decades beyond our grasp. In truth, the Apollo Program was an extraordinary …

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Bemer Your Way To A Better Heart

The microvascular system is made up of our tiniest blood vessels.  This small map work of arterioles, capillaries, metarterioles and venules are all connected, and they each have a specific role to play within our vascular structure.  Whether it’s removing waste, disseminating hormones, feeding our microcirculatory system, or taking in nutrients, these microvessels are of extreme importance in our general …

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