Lee Edition

Bladder Cancer – What You Need To Know

Alejandro Miranda-Sousa, M.D. Bladder cancer is extremely common.  In fact, it is the 5th most prevalent cancer, and it’s unfortunately on the rise.  There are several risk factors associated with bladder cancer, although anyone can be affected by its devastating diagnosis. Bladder Cancer Risk Factors • History of smoking (smoking causes 4-7 time increase in the risk) • Obesity • …

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Distracted Driving: Don’t Be a Statistic

American House Distracted driving causes more than 300,000 accidents, annually. That’s one in every four, making it the number one cause of automobile accidents in the U.S. Although studies show texting while at the wheel is the leading cause of death among teens, this dangerous practice isn’t limited to inexperienced, young drivers. Seniors are texting while driving too. With so many …

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Nearly 60,000 Americans are Diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease Each Year – Medical Marijuana: A Promising Treatment Option

Parkinson’s disease is a devastating neurodegenerative condition and the second most common type of deterioration of the brain and nervous system worldwide. Typically an individual with Parkinson’s is unaware of their illness until the progressive cell death has already led to impairment and significant symptoms. The signs of Parkinson’s are hand tremors, muscle stiffness, memory loss, confusion, uncontrollable twitching or shaking, …

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Venous Insufficiency & Restless Leg Syndrome

By Joseph Magnant, MD, FACS, RPVI Venous Insufficiency I think it’s time to stop thinking about venous disease as limited to varicose veins. Of all the patients I see in my office, only about fifty percent of them have varicose veins, and the remainder have symptoms (what you feel) or signs (what you can see externally) of venous insufficiency other …

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Customizing Treatments for Children with Autism

By Justin Ceravolo, PharmD Administering medicine to children can be difficult at the best of times, and even more so for the 1 in 68 children in the United States, who the CDC notes have been identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Younger patients can be particularly finicky about medication color, texture and flavor, and often times cannot or will not …

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Florida Estate Planning, Elder Law and Asset Protection are Interdependent Parts of Your Estate Plan

By Steven J. Gibbs, Esq. We often do not see things as symbiotic, interdependent, or synergistic. Rather, we tend to put things into separate broad categories so life becomes easier to understand. In the world of estate planning, this tendency can result in poor planning. For example, it is easy for people to think about Florida asset protection as separate from …

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Many Seniors Are Deficient in Nutrition: What You Can Do To Help

Many seniors are considered malnourished. This is mainly related to the fact that they rely on canned foods, frozen foods, or foods that are quickly consumed and digested, like simple carbohydrates. These food options are usually loaded with sugar, salt, chemicals, and preservatives. In recent studies, over 70% of the aging population suffers from malnutrition. As individuals age, they may lose …

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Do You Suffer From Chronic Pain? What You Need To Know About Your Options

Dr. H. Kurtis Biggs – Board-Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon Most people can relate to having suffered physical pain in their lifetimes, but to have to live with that pain on a daily basis can become debilitating. In the U.S. over 100 million people reportedly suffer from some form of chronic pain. Whether the issue stems from trauma, injury, arthritis or other …

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Focus on Head & Neck Cancers

Long-term survival of head and neck cancers is increasing. Establishing healthy habits can greatly reduce your risk of developing these and other related cancers. An estimated 436,060 survivors of head and neck cancer are living in the United States today, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS), and that number continues to grow. Through successful research and clinical trials, as …

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Regenerative Treatment Options for Painful Knees

Knee pain affects all types of people, hindering them from fully enjoying retirement, being able to work or play sports, or many other activities. It may keep the athlete from running a marathon, or simply make walking through the grocery store daunting. For our knees to move normally and remain healthy, all of the knee joint structures need to be …

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