Your Immune System and The Coronavirus

Maharaj Institute of Immune Regenerative Medicine

By Dr. Dipnarine Maharaj MD, FACP, and Vineet Polineni, B.Sc. Are you concerned about the coronavirus? Experts have deemed the novel coronavirus to be a major threat to public health. However, there is another virus that infects and kills even more every year. Seasonal influenza infects millions and kills over ten thousand people in the U.S. every season. With younger …

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Play It Safe: Venice Physician Echoes CDC Advice to Prevent COVID-19

Venice Physician Echoes CDC Advice to Prevent COVID-19

By Heidi Smith, Contributor Currently there is no vaccine to prevent the respiratory disease COVID-19, so the best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to it, wash your hands often and properly, and adhere to other guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). How easily a virus spreads from person-to-person can vary. Some …

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Coronavirus Prevention Tips – How to Avoid Cross-Contamination

Coronavirus Prevention Tips - How to Avoid Cross-Contamination

Although it’s at the forefront of everyone’s mind, and panic seems to be widespread, much is still unknown about COVID-19, the coronavirus that is spreading rapidly across the globe. As we navigate through this pandemic, disinfection is the recommended preventative advice, and boosting the immune system is also a good idea. Although some guidelines are changing the way we socialize, …

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Respiratory Infections: What you Need to Know

Pneumonia and Respiratory Tract Infections On March 16, Neil Ferguson and colleagues offered the Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team’s model for predicting morbidity and mortality specific to COVID19 for the next few months.1 Their estimates suggest a noteworthy increased strain on healthcare resources in the near future. This could add to the burden of increasingly busy and long flu seasons. …

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Telehealth and Virtual Physical Therapy E-Visits

Telehealth and Virtual Physical Therapy E-Visits

By Lisa Johnson, PT, DPT, OCS, WCS, CSCS COVID-19 has left many people wondering what to do about their ongoing medical care and wellness needs. Numerous specialties are now offering telehealth visits to keep patients safeguarded from the coronavirus, and also to provide much-needed healthcare in these unprecedented times. Total Body Physical Therapy is committed to the health of their …

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5 Ways to Reduce Stress and Boost Immune System While Social Distancing

By Hub International Florida As COVID-19 continues to spread and we make lifestyle adjustments in response, the challenge is to maintain your mental and physical health in light of mounting stress. These strategies will help. As social distancing becomes our new “norm” over at least the next several weeks, the pressures may be overwhelming. There are challenges finding childcare and …

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Important Coronavirus Updates for Ophthalmology Patients

Courtesy of Dr. Taba, Personalized Retina Care of Naples The American Academy of Ophthalmology has released recommendations regarding urgent and nonurgent patient care. According to the statement, all ophthalmologists should cease providing any treatment other than urgent or emergent care immediately. This includes both office-based care and surgical care. For example, intraocular injections for macular degeneration are considered urgent and …

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COVID-19 – Alternative Treatments and Antiviral Management

Each day, we learn new facts, figures, and protocols concerning COVID-19. Recently, we were informed by the FDA that they are investigated specific drugs and running expedited trials to see if they are effective at killing the virus. They are also running plasma testing from the blood of those that have recovered from COVID-19. At this point, we also know …

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Has Hand Washing Left Your Hands Dry and Cracked?

By Sydney Tateo, DNP, ARNP With the current COVID-19 pandemic going on, we are all obsessing over sanitizing everything, from our hands to all the surfaces they touch. While this practice is critical in breaking the cycle of infection, all of this hand washing has inevitably left us feeling a bit dry. What can be done to combat this issue? …

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