Collier Edition

Don’t let Obstructive Sleep Apnea Get in the Way of Effective Sleep this New Year!

Sleep Apnea

By John W. Watford, MD, LLC The idyllic, sunny, Florida morning doesn’t come easy for everyone. A remarkable number of people don’t sleep well at all and find themselves nodding off during their routine daily tasks, or worse, even falling asleep while conducting tasks that require consistent attention – like driving! It is important to recognize that excessive and persistent …

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Glaucoma & Vision Loss


By Duane Wiggins, M.D. Board Certified Ophthalmologist, Cataract & Refractive Surgeon with Quigley Eye Specialists Three million Americans are suffering from glaucoma, which can rob them of their sight and nearly 1.5 million of them do not even know they have it. Glaucoma is referred to as a “silent sight stealer” because, unfortunately, there are minimal symptoms associated with the …

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The Effect of Nutrition on Essential Hormones

Essential Hormones

By Dr. Melissa (Mel) Irvine, DNP – Clinical Sexologist While we typically eat whatever foods seem the most appealing, the foods that we put into our body can significantlySpecializes in Sexual Medicine and Beauty affect may aspects of our health, including hormonal balance. Hormones are chemical messengers for the body and control almost every process that it completes, including: . …

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New Year – Health Goals: Why You Should Make Your Medical Appointments Now

Health Goals

It’s the new year, and most of us want to make changes and learn to stick to our resolutions for our health and fitness goals, but what about your annual appointments? Are you putting them off or ignoring them due to fears of the pandemic? This is a common concern for many patients, but one that purports more risk to …

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For 2023, I Resolve to …

I Resolve

By Dr. Mary Nuosce, LMHC, NCC, Core Faculty, Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program at Hodges University As we close in the last weeks and days of 2022, many people start thinking about New Year’s resolutions with either hope, determination, or dread. Of course there’s the typical “I’m going to lose weight, drink less, get more sleep,” but the beauty of …

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Wellness Continues to be the Top Choice for Everyone, Not Just the Young Ones.

By Dr. Viviana Cuberos Dysport has been growing in popularity since it was introduced over 20 years ago and has spurred the development of neurotoxins like Dysport. These wrinkle-smoothing injectables are versatile. At Orchidia Medical Group in Naples, FL, we use them during a treatment called Sylk, also known as Scrotox. The sylk treatment is specifically designed to improve the …

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Vitamins for AMD


Dr. Katia Taba, Board-Certified Ophthalmologist and Retinal Specialist People who have a certain form of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) may benefit from a specific mix of vitamins and minerals. Taking these nutritional supplements might help slow this eye disease. About 8 out of 10 people with AMD have the dry form. This condition is due to a breakdown or thinning of …

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New Year’s Resolutions


By Melissa Stanley R.N., B.S.N. Ahhhh the Holidays…. we have all been guilty of indulging a little too much during the season. Along with the guilt of maybe gaining a few pounds come the resolutions to eat healthier, lose weight, and start an exercise program. Research suggests that a staggering 80% of people who join a gym quit within five …

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The Gift of Behavioral Finance

Behavioral Finance

I’m not sure if you are like me, but looking back on last year, I’ve found myself asking, “What just happened?” I experienced such a broad range of emotions as I watched the S&P 500 enter a bear market, the bond market experience one of the worst six months in history, and inflation painfully climb. Regarding our money, finances, and …

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Getting the Most Out of Your Skin Cancer Screening

Skin Cancer

By Dr. Anne Marie Tremaine When people call to book an appointment, they often schedule a “skin check,” but that term can be interpreted in many ways. To a dermatologist, a skin check signifies a head to toe examination looking for skin cancers, precancerous growths, and atypical moles. Most of the time and effort of the visit is dedicated to …

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