Collier Edition

The Power of Understanding Yourself and Others

Power of Understanding

By Dr. Thomas Hofmann, PhD, LCSW, LMFT Why are people the way they are? How does understanding people help you personally and professionally? Having a deeper understanding about yourself – your behavior patterns and thoughts – gives you the ability to better understand others. Ultimately, it means being more self-aware. Reaching a higher level of self-awareness is a journey you …

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ASK THE EXPERT – Hearing Loss and Increased Risk of Falling

Hearing Loss

Dr. Sarah Sesslar, Au.D Many of the causes of senior citizens falling and injuring themselves are preventable. Physicians routinely advise their older patients to exercise, have their vision checked. and monitor whether any medications may cause dizziness. Another contributor to falls is untreated hearing loss, which has been linked by multiple studies to a significant increase in risk of falls. …

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Men’s Health Month: Parkinson’s Disease


Parkinson’s Disease Doesn’t Discriminate Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder that affects the movement of the body. The degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain causes it. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter responsible for transmitting signals and controlling movement and coordination. As a result of the loss of dopamine-producing neurons, individuals with Parkinson’s disease experience a variety of motor symptoms …

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Medical Marijuana Explained, Sort of… 

Growing in Health Florida

By Hans Doherty – Growing in Health Florida I see several clients each day. Many of them are in pain, can’t sleep, and are stressed out. Some of them are already (MMJ) medical marijuana card holders. Many of them DO NOT need it! What I’m saying is that most of them can use “non-medical” cannabis to help with these and …

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Golf and Lower Back Pain

Golf and Lower Back

By Larry Piretra, PT, DPT, CSCS, TPI-M1 Golf is a popular pastime for thousands of Americans. It is also a source of pain for many of those thousands. The torque and force used to swing a golf club can create significant risk for developing lower back pain, and this pain most commonly develops over time. Some believe that back pain …

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Understanding Gynecomastia

A Common Concern for Men By Gunnar Bergqvist, MD Gynecomastia is a common condition which describes the development of breast tissue in men. Almost 95% of all men will have gynecomastia at some point in their life. The peak incidence is 12.7 years of age and also secondary peak, which starts developing after the age of 65. The most common …

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Nervous Stomach cramps a holistic perspective

Nervous Stomach cramps

By Svetlana Kogan, M.D. With the psychological burden of Covid-19 pandemic upon us, one of the common questions I hear from my patients is: “Doc, I am so upset by what is going on and I get these stomach cramps. What can I do without taking medications?” The truth is that our gut has a mind if its own. It …

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Advancements in migraine treatment. Alleviating the Burden of Chronic Headaches


By Kathy V. Verdes, APRN, A-GNP-C Migraines are debilitating and recurring headaches that affect millions of people worldwide, significantly impacting their quality of life. However, recent years have witnessed significant advancements in the understanding and treatment of migraines. Researchers and medical professionals are dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of this neurological disorder and developing innovative strategies to alleviate its symptoms. …

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Physical Activity Provides a Wealth of Health Benefits for Older Adults

Physical Activity

By Mary Beth Baxter Regular physical activity can positively impact your body and mind in many scientifically proven ways—from keeping your weight under control and improving your balance and range of motion to strengthening your bones, protecting your joints and even helping preserve your brain function. Also, research shows that regular cardiovascular exercise reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, …

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Myasthenia Gravis AWARENESS

Myasthenia Gravis

Myasthenia gravis is a chronic autoimmune, neuromuscular disease that causes weakness in the skeletal muscles. These are the muscles that connect to your bones and contract to allow your arms and legs to move and make breathing possible. The muscles that are most affected include the eyes/eyelids, facial muscles, and the muscles that control chewing, swallowing, and talking. According to …

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