Collier Edition

Childhood Obesity and Its Impact on Mental Health

Childhood Obesity

By Richard J. Capiola, MD Childhood obesity is a pressing issue that has far-reaching consequences, not only on physical health but also on mental well-being. As rates of overweight and obesity continue to rise among children and adolescents, it is crucial to understand the intricate relationship between excess weight and mental health in this vulnerable population. One of the primary …

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Why is Measuring Your Microvascular System Is Important?

Microvascular System

By Lisa H. Sprague MSS, PTA, LMT In the last issue I introduced a revolutionary new medical device called GlycoCheck that was recently released to healthcare practitioners after 15 years in research hospitals and universities (research with the GlycoCheck is ongoing). This technology measures and analyzes the function of your entire microvascular system, therefore you can monitor the health of …

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Cognitive Issues with Indoor Mold Growth:

A Focus on Alzheimer’s Disease By Julie S. Hurst- Nicoll, MBA, CMI, CMR – President, American Mold Experts Indoor mold growth is a significant concern for public health, given its potential to cause a wide range of health issues. Among these, the potential link between mold exposure and cognitive decline, particularly in relation to Alzheimer’s disease, has garnered increasing attention. …

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Happy Feet – Happy Life How Foot Procedures Can Help

Michael J. Petrocelli, D.P.M., F.A.C.F.A.S., C.W.S.P. Board Certified Ankle and Foot Surgeon and Board Certified Wound Care Specialist If you have pain in your feet from issues such as bunions, plantar fasciitis, hammertoes or multiple other conditions, you may have tried different at home remedies like self-massage, soaking, taping or bracing, but these often leave individuals still in pain and …

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DNA Testing at Any Lab Test Now: Unlocking Genetic Insights

DNA Testing

At Any Lab Test Now, we offer a comprehensive range of DNA testing services, empowering individuals to unravel the mysteries of their genetic makeup and unlock valuable insights. Whether you seek to establish biological relationships, explore your ancestral roots, or gain a deeper understanding of your health predispositions, our state-of-the-art testing facilities have got you covered. 1. Paternity Informational (Non-Legal) …

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The Matterhorn Method: Eliminating Pain and Inspiring Hope


By Angela Puchalla, MS, ATC, LAT As we age, we are constantly fighting an uphill battle of pain and physical limitations. When our body starts to break down, we are unable to perform the activities that we want and the mental burden becomes as great as the physical one. Many patients bounce from doctor to doctor without ever getting to …

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The Bocox™ Procedure Enhancing Penis Health and Function with Botox®

Enhancing Penis

By Dr. Viviana Cuberos When it comes to men’s sexual health, the Bocox™ procedure has emerged as a revolutionary technique utilizing Botox® injections to improve penis health and function. Botox®, commonly known for its cosmetic applications, is now being employed as a minimally invasive solution to address various sexual concerns. In this article, we will delve into the details of …

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Ladies, If You Are Looking for a New Urologist, Consider a Urogynecologist

By Joseph Gauta, MD, FACOG What is Urogynecology? Many women experience problems that overlap between the fields of gynecology and urology, and they often bounce back and forth between the two specialties. Urogynecology bridges that gap and allows for both of these issues to be addressed by one physician. The field of Urogynecology is a subspecialty within Obstetrics and Gynecology …

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Are You Practicing Mindful Wealth?

Courtesy of Nina Azwoir, First Vice President, Investments If the past few months have given you more time for introspection, use it to improve your financial plan in a big-picture way. Even for the privileged among us who still have our jobs, are not on the front lines with the pandemic, and have not had anyone close to us felled …

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Navigating Solo Aging – Advocating for Yourself and Preparing for the Future

By Cynthia Perthuis, CDP, CADDCT, CSA As our population ages, an increasing number of older adults find themselves making decisions about their future independently, without the support of adult children or close relatives. This experience, known as solo aging, is becoming more prevalent in society. With projections indicating that one in five Americans will be retirement age by 2030, it …

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