Collier Edition

Why Your Future Health and Wellness Matter Now

Future Health

Provided by Nina Azwoir, First Vice President of Investments, Wintrust Wealth Management What if I told you I can see you in the future: needing healthcare but unable to make the decisions necessary to attain it. I have many friends who, for the life of them, refuse to talk about a dreaded day where they may become incapacitated—let alone give …

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Navigating Influenza A and B: Tamiflu, Timing, and Prophylactic Measures

Influenza A and B

By Dr. Michel Saaloukeh – MD, FAAP, IBCLC Influenza A and B viruses are perennial challenges in healthcare, causing seasonal outbreaks worldwide. Understanding the nuances of treatment with antiviral medications like Tamiflu (oseltamivir), the criticality of timing and dosage, as well as proactive prophylactic measures, is pivotal in managing and containing these infections. Both Influenza A and B share commonalities …

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Joan’s Five Steps to Overcome a Sedentary Lifestyle

By Cynthia Perthuis, CDP, CADDCT, CSA In a society that frequently underscores the value of youth and vitality, the narratives of those who defy stereotypes and champion physical activity in their golden years are particularly noteworthy. Joan is one such person. A 60-year-old retiree, Joan transformed her life from a sedentary existence to an active and thriving life she loves. …

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7 Common Causes of Low Back Pain, the Leading Cause of Disability Worldwide

Low Back Pain

By Amanda N. Sacino, MD-PhD . Neurosurgeon and Managing Partner Back pain is a widespread ailment affecting millions worldwide. A recent peer-reviewed study published in Lancet Rheumatology found that back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide and is projected to affect almost 1 billion people by 2050 (1). While it can arise from various factors, certain conditions are …

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Is your indoor environment making your pet sick?

pet sick

By DR. MATT PRATT-HYATT, REAL TIME LAB & JULIE NICOLL, AMERICAN MOLD EXPERTS SUMMER 2023 Today, let’s dive into the question, “Is your indoor environment making your pet sick?” We love our pets, and most of us do whatever it takes to make our pets’ lives enjoyable and healthy. We provide them with toys, walks, and the best food to …

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Testosterone Replacement’s Impact on Mood, Sleep, and Sexual Performance

By Dr. Viviana Cuberos Testosterone, a key hormone in the male body, plays a crucial role beyond physical attributes, affecting mood, sleep, and sexual performance. However, as men age, testosterone levels may decline, leading to various challenges. Addressing this decline through testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can significantly impact one’s well-being. Understanding Testosterone’s Influence Testosterone, often linked to virility, contributes extensively …

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Nourishing Companions: Unveiling the Vitality of Diet and Nutrition for Pets

Nutrition for Pets

Our furry, feathery, and scaly friends are not just pets; they are beloved companions who deserve the utmost care and attention, especially when it comes to their diet and nutrition. Just like us, their human counterparts, animals thrive when provided with a balanced and nourishing diet. The importance of diet and nutrition for pets cannot be overstated; it serves as …

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Natural Energy Healing, is based on the principle that our psychobiological system operates its energy through electromagnetic fields, these electromagnetic fields can be measured; these fields use different electric charges or energy charges because each organ uses different energy charges therefore the magnetic fields have multiples magnitudes of intensity. The imbalance, the alteration close-off or destruction of this energy modifies …

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Can a High-Tech Chair Cure Incontinence?

Can a High-Tech Chair Cure Incontinence

By Joseph Gauta, MD, FACOG Do you wear urinary pads or diapers? Do you leak when you exercise or sneeze? Aging, childbirth, and menopause can all lead to incontinence. There are many treatments such as surgical procedures, pessary devices, and medications to help cure or reduce incontinence. There is a new device by BTL called Emsella that makes incontinence treatment …

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Your Cleaning Service May Be Sweeping More Than Just Dirt Under The Rug

Your Cleaning Service May Be Sweeping More Than Just Dirt Under The Rug

Pop quiz: How much do you really know about the people you hire to work in and around your home? Through casual conversations you may know where they live, their children’s names and ages. You might know someone for whom they’ve done work or have a friend or acquaintance in common (that’s probably how you found out about them in …

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