Collier Edition

What’s Your Diet?


By Pastor Roger P. Felipe Weight-watchers. Nutrisystem. Mediterranean diet. Paleo. Living healthy has become a craze, although obesity in our country, rather legitimizes it. For many people it is about looking and feeling better, living longer, stronger and disease-free. These are all important reasons for eating clean, exercising, and learning to rest our bodies sufficiently. For Christians, however, trying to …

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Cleaning Tips to Keep the Flu Virus at Bay and Out of Your Home

Cleaning Tips to Keep the Flu Virus at Bay and Out of Your Home

Flu season is among us and with an increase in the number of people in the area for the winter, preventing the flu and other viruses can be difficult this time of year. The muscle aches, fever, chills and fatigue that accompany the virus affect five to 20 percent of the U.S. population each year and hospitalize hundreds of thousands, …

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Building Resilience in the New Year


The Undeniable Benefits of Strength Training Over Cardiovascular Exercise By Theresa Vergo, PA-C As the New Year dawns, a myriad of resolutions are forged, each person aspiring to shape their future self with renewed vigor. Among the multitude of goals, a fervent debate arises on the most effective path to physical transformation: the timeless rivalry between strength training and cardiovascular …

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Rediscover Your Youth: The Power of Hair Restoration

Hair Restoration

In the pursuit of a more youthful appearance, there’s a game-changer you don’t want to miss: plant stem cell hair restoration at Tribe Med Spa. It’s not just about getting your hair back; it’s about gaining confidence and feeling youthful again. Understanding Plant Stem Cell Hair Restoration: As we age, our hair tends to thin out. Enter plant stem cell …

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What You Need to Know with Upper Respiratory Illness on the Rise

Upper Respiratory Illness

If it seems like more people are getting sick each day – it’s not your imagination. Diagnosis of flu, COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are on the rise across the U.S with the CDC trackers showing flu activity to be increasing here in Florida and more people visiting the emergency department or needing hospitalizations for treatment of severe symptoms. …

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Embracing Blue Zone Principles for an Active Start to the Year

Active Start

By Jenny Bradley As we step into the new year, there’s no better time to embark on a journey toward an active and vibrant life. Drawing inspiration from the Blue Zones—geographic regions known for the remarkable health and longevity of their population—there are several lifestyle changes we can adopt to make wellness more than just a New Year’s resolution but …

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Spinal Decompression Without Surgery

Spinal Decompression

By Dr. Michael Shaffer Spinal decompression is a therapeutic technique often employed to address certain spinal conditions and alleviate associated symptoms. It’s essential to understand that the information provided here is for general informational purposes, and individual cases may vary. For personalized advice, consulting with a qualified healthcare professional is crucial. Spinal decompression aims to relieve pressure on the spinal …

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Comprehensive Advances in Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

Empowering Prevention, Enhancing Survivorship, and Embracing Comprehensive Care Breast cancer research has made significant strides, not only in cutting-edge treatments but also in the realms of prevention and survivorship. This holistic approach, coupled with comprehensive care offered by Magnolia Breast Centers, plays a pivotal role in reshaping the breast cancer landscape. Prevention: A Pillar of Progress Recent advancements underscore the …

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The Transformative Power of Massage in Alleviating Pain

Alleviating Pain

As the New Year unfolds, many seek ways to embrace a healthier lifestyle, often overlooking the therapeutic benefits of massage in managing and alleviating pain. The practice of massage therapy transcends mere relaxation, offering a myriad of advantages, especially in tackling pain-related issues that persist from the previous year. Here’s a comprehensive exploration of how incorporating massages into your routine …

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Revitalize Your Health: New Year’s Resolutions for a Nourishing Diet

Nourishing Diet

By Kathy V. Verdes, APRN, A-GNP-C As the New Year approaches, the promise of a fresh start beckons many to embrace healthier habits. Among the most common resolutions are those geared toward diet and health. Whether aiming to shed a few pounds, adopt a more nutritious lifestyle, or cultivate mindfulness around eating, setting achievable goals is key to success. Setting …

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