Collier Edition

Shockwave Treatments with Storz

Shockwave Treatments

By Dr. Carolina Young Joint and muscle pain affects a significant portion of the U.S. population, with nearly one in four adults experiencing daily discomfort. Orchidia Medical Group is dedicated to addressing this widespread issue, offering cutting-edge shockwave therapy as a transformative solution for chronic joint and muscle pain sufferers. The prevalence and impact of musculoskeletal pain are the root …

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Nurturing Love: A Guide to Couples Health

Nurturing Love

In the intricate dance of relationships, couples find myriad ways to connect, building a tapestry of shared experiences and support. Let’s delve into the realm of Couples Health, exploring how partners navigate life’s journey together. Sharing the Tapestry of Love 1. Cherishing Moments: Couples weave their unique tapestry by cherishing special moments, creating a mosaic of shared memories and inside …

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Nurturing Pet Dental Health Amidst Chocolate Hazards

Pet Dental

February marks Pet Dental Health Month, a time dedicated to the well-being of our beloved furry companions. Simultaneously, the sweet delights of candy season beckon, accompanied by the looming threat of chocolate toxicity for pets. In this delicate dance between dental care and chocolate safety, responsible pet ownership takes center stage. Pet Dental Health Month: A Spotlight on Smiles Pet …

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What are Hammertoes?


Hammertoes are most frequently caused by structural problems in the toe or from wearing poor fitting shoes.  It causes the middle joint to bend.  Hammertoe is most frequently caused by structural problems in the toe or from wearing poor fitting shoes.  It is important to diagnose and treat hammertoe early because the condition tends to become worse over time.  If …

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Promoting Vision Health

Promoting Vision Health

Age-Related Macular Degeneration Awareness Month in Home Healthcare Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a prevalent eye condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide, particularly as they age. In an effort to raise awareness and promote proactive eye care, the month of February has been designated as Age-Related Macular Degeneration Awareness Month. For home healthcare providers, this observance serves as a …

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Unraveling hope: The Crucial Role of Clinical Trials in Advancing Neurological Treatments

Unraveling hope

Clinical trials stand as a beacon of hope on the horizon of medical progress, particularly when it comes to the enigmatic realm of neurological disorders. These trials represent the bridge between scientific innovation and real-world impact, offering a path towards unraveling the mysteries of these complex conditions and bringing forth effective treatments. In an era where neurological disorders affect millions …

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Promoting Heart Health: Facts, Infusions, and Lifestyle Tips

Heart Health

February is National Heart Health month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about cardiovascular well-being. At Paragon Healthcare, we are committed to providing you with crucial information to help you prioritize your heart health. As February unfolds, we embark on a journey to prioritize heart health during National Heart Health Month. In the United States, the stakes are high, with …

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Setting Boundaries to Protect Your Mental Health

By Richard J. Capiola, MD In the intricate tapestry of life, maintaining a delicate balance between personal and external demands is vital for mental well-being. Setting and negotiating personal boundaries is a cornerstone for creating a harmonious and stress-resistant lifestyle. As a mental health provider, Dr. Capiola understands the significance of cultivating boundaries that align with individual needs, values, and …

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5 Common Spinal Injuries Related to Pickleball

By Amanda N. Sacino, MD-PhD . Neurosurgeon and Managing Partner Pickleball is increasingly recognized for its health benefits and social aspects. However, as with any physical activity, it carries risks, particularly to the spine. A notable concern is compression fracture, a severe injury requiring heightened awareness among pickleball enthusiasts. Pickleball’s court size and play style require agility, quick reflexes, and …

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Still feeling sick after mold remediation?

mold remediation

By Julie S. Hurst- Nicoll, MBA, CMI, CMR – President, American Mold Experts I often hear with great frustration, “I had mold remediation, but I still feel sick!” There are several reasons this can be true. Firstly, having mold that has produced mycotoxins and created mold toxicity in your body can take years to detox, even if you are working …

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