Collier Edition

What is a Cataract and How Is It Treated?

By Jonathan M. Frantz, MD, FACS A cataract is not a growth, but a gradual clouding of the normally crystal-clear lens of the eye. Cataracts distort vision because they block the lens from being able to focus light on the retina. It’s a common vision condition that affects many people as they grow older. By age 80, more than half …

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Helping Patients Live with Parkinson’s

Helping Patients Live with Parkinson’s Each year, doctors diagnose 60,000 new cases of Parkinson’s disease (PD). With advances in pharmacology and surgery giving PD patients longer lives and increased motor function, interventions to prepare family caregivers, empower patients in their daily lives, and improve patient peace of mind become more involved. While many patients live more than 20 years after the …

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How CBD Can Alleviate Foot Pain

Each day, a great deal of pressure is placed on your feet. The average person walks between 7,500 to 10,000 steps per day, and the force placed on your feet with every step is two to three times your body weight. Your feet have more than 100 muscles, ligaments and tendons, 26 bones and 33 joints. That’s a lot of components …

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Back to School = Mommy Self-Care

Summer is almost over, and school is just around the corner. This upcoming transition naturally is causing great stress throughout your household; however, I encourage you to better manage that stress by practicing self-care. Self-care is imperative to your health and wellness, especially for a mom working an average of 98 hours per week. I know what you’re thinking, “where does …

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Hurricane Preparedness for Your Pets

With hurricane season in full swing, many are wondering if we will be hit again by another Irma or Michael this year. While many people speculate about the excessively warm water and worry about tropical storms and hurricane risks, it’s imperative to have a plan and those plans must include preparations for your pets. Having a bag packed for your furry …

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Do You Suffer from DRY EYES?

Dr. Katia Taba, Personalized Retina Care of Naples Dry eyes affects millions of individuals in the United States; it occurs when the quantity or quality of tears diminishes and can no longer lubricate the eye adequately. Dr. Katia Taba, Retina Specialist of Personalized Retina Care of Naples, agrees with the following publication from the AAO (American Academy of Ophthalmology) concerning dry …

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Testosterone Pellet Therapy is Beneficial for Men to Balance Hormones

By Dr. Viviana Cuberos As men age, they will start to experience symptoms of hormonal imbalance. The symptoms for males and females are very similar; however, for men, as they age and their hormonal testosterone levels begin to decline, most men will experience a lack of energy, low libido, loss of muscle, weight gain, decreased mental focus, hair loss and low …

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Can Physical Therapy Effectively Treat Foot Conditions?

When we have foot pain or injury, it can be extremely difficult to heal without the proper treatment; this is especially true because we are continually putting weight and pressure on our feet daily, which can limit the facilitation of healing. Many people are unaware of the fact that physical therapists are an excellent alternative to treating certain foot and ankle …

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Addressing the Root Cause of Psoriasis

Psoriasis is considered to be an autoimmune disease that affects approximately 125 million people worldwide. It is characterized by the the chronic formation of skin lesions, red patches, papules and plaque. These formations may appear in localized areas of the body or throughout the entire body, depending on an individual’s condition. Psoriasis is known to trigger intense bouts of itching. …

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Arthritis, what everyone needs to know.

By Luga Podesta, MD Director of Regenerative Sports Medicine Bluetail Me\dical Group-Naples Since May is arthritis awareness month, I would like to present some of the common facts and myths about arthritis. Arthritis affects people in many different ways and can attack most joints in our bodies. By the year 2030, it is estimated that 67 million Americans will be …

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