Keep Your Arteries Young: The Importance of Exercise for Vascular Health

By Jeffrey Edwards, MD – Sarasota Vascular Specialists

 ArteriesThere is a famous saying of the English physician, Thomas Sydenham, stating: “a man is as old as his arteries”. As we age, the blood vessels become stiffened and narrowed secondary to the effects of various pathologies such as hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes, and atherosclerosis. These changes in the structure and function occur at a different rate and to a different extent in all people.

There are several factors that impact these changes in vascular function and compliance (stiffness). While some of these factors can’t easily be controlled, such as genetics and environmental exposures, smoking and exercise play a large role in vascular health.

Exercise training has been shown to slow and/or prevent the aging of blood vessels. This occurs due to changes in the cardiovascular system which promote and maintain laminar blood flow. Laminar blood flow is smooth, non-turbulent blood flow which minimize inflammation and plaque formation. This increases nitric oxide (NO) production by the inner-most layer of the blood vessel, the endothelium.

Nitric oxide is a vital component of normal endothelial function, as it helps regulate vascular responses to changing conditions such as vascular tone. This is important for such functions as maintaining blood pressure, temperature regulation, and ensuring blood flow is directed to vital organs in times of stress. Nitric oxide also plays a role in vascular permeability, platelet aggregation, interactions of the vessel wall with immune cells (leukocytes), and vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation (maintains functional integrity of vessel wall).

Physical aging is inevitable, and all vessels become less compliant (i.e., more stiff) over time, however previous research has shown that moderate exercise may potentially prevent vascular aging and stiffness by promoting nitric oxide production and limiting the activity of inflammatory substances in the vessel wall.

Nitric oxide is a critical component of some medications which are used to treat vascular insufficiency. Perhaps the most well-known use of nitric oxide mediators is in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Sildenafil, also known as Viagra, propagates the action of nitric oxide by preventing its breakdown. This medication has a relatively specific action on the penile vessels and thereby is a potent vasodilator and very effective medication for treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Patient with peripheral artery disease are often treated with cilostazol, increases production of nitric oxide by the vessel wall, thereby causing the vessel to relax and dilate. In addition to mild antiplatelet activity, this medication improves blood flow to critical muscles which may result in increased walking distance with decreased pain, particularly in patients with intermittent claudication (leg pain with exertion).

The United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week, which works out to 30 minutes of exercise per day. In addition, resistance strength training is also recommended twice per week along with a healthy diet and avoiding environmental risk factors, such as smoking. Although aging is inevitable, you can take control of your vascular health and help keep your arteries young.

If you or a loved one has any of the vascular symptoms or risk factors discussed above, you should seek medical attention immediately. Making an appointment with a board-certified vascular surgeon specializing in arterial and venous disease is critical.

Sarasota Vascular Specialists
Sarasota Vascular Specialists have been the leading vascular specialists in the tricounty area for over 30 years. Their practice is the only medical practice in the region dedicated to the treatment of patients with disorders of the veins and arteries. They are uniquely trained and experienced to offer all forms of diagnosis and therapy including:

• Varicose veins, spider veins, deep venous thrombosis
• Carotid artery surgery and carotid stenting
• Medical management, angioplasty, bypass
• Thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysms

Sarasota Vascular Specialists has an onsite lab to perform ultrasound and give rapid diagnostics. Their vascular lab can non-invasively diagnose all arterial and venous diseases. Their experienced vascular lab staff includes eight registered vascular technologists.

It’s the first vascular laboratory in Sarasota to be certified by the Intersocietal Commission for the Accreditation of Vascular Laboratories. The lab was also featured as the gold standard facility by ABC Television’s Prime Time when it evaluated vascular labs in Florida. They have state-of-the-art equipment and vascular imaging software.

To schedule your appointment, please call 941-371-6565, or visit to find out more.

600 N. Cattlemen Road, Sarasota, Florida 34232