Growing Old Gracefully: When Should Plastic Surgery Come In?

By Gunnar Bergqvist, MD

Growing Old GracefullyAs we get more mature our bodies change. Often, we feel younger than we look. It’s OK to have some more wrinkles and a more aged appearance as we get older.

However, there’s no reason why you can’t do an update. Now days, there are a lot of ways to make someone look younger and more rejuvenated without the overdone-look, or looking too pulled, as seen in years past. Keep in mind that there are many options for plastic surgery. As we age, the choices for maintaining a youthful appearance or improving skin, can range from using the correct topical medication and creams, to minimally invasive procedures and surgery.

Often smaller procedures can be done in an office setting without the need of general anesthesia, which has some side effects.

It’s important to have practical goals for a rejuvenation as we get more mature, so things look natural. Not change your appearance at all, but rather, understanding that improving upon it can “turn back the clock.”

The most common complaints by aging women: sagging jowls; hooded baggy eyes; poor skin texture; fat settling in areas of the body; face drained of youthful fuller cheeks; flat buttocks; tummy pouch. These are just names a few.

The most common complaints by aging men: the “tire roll” around the belly; fullness in neck or double chin; sagging eyes; loose skin. Yes thousands of men get plastic surgery!

Common procedures in the aging population include facelifts, which I wrote about in last month’s edition regarding the different approaches and levels of invasiveness. However, some additional minimally invasive face lift and skin rejuvenation can be done by means of laser therapy as well as chemical peels.*

Often overlooked as we mature, is the maintenance of our skin for our entire body. As we can develop more “mature” spots, which may mean uneven skin color, spots and flaky, crepe skin on the body, arms, legs and trunk. These often can also be treated with a topical body peel which can improve your skin condition, texture and color without having any downtime. Combining this with the appropriate laser treatment, can make huge improvements.*

Also, one of the most common procedures I do in my office is an eye-lift, or Blepharoplasty. This is done on many mature persons who have Ptosis (hooding of eye-lid over the visual field). This will help your vision, however, many patients come to me and we may need to do a canthopexy, which pulls up the droopy lower eyelid.

Breast lifts are done in a surgery center setting or in my surgery using tumescent anesthesia. Normally removing extra skin is involved and sometimes a smaller implant can be used.

Gynecomastia, or removing fatty tissue on the male chest area is another popular choice. This is done in my office with liposuction and J-plasma for skin tightening.

Botox is an extremely popular treatment that can be quickly done. I published an initial study 22 years ago looking at the distribution of the motor endplate units, the site of action of botox, within the muscle around the eye, which was very instrumental in knowing where to give Botox around the eye area. Botox can be administered in several areas of the face to reduce wrinkles and around lips to create a nicer “cupids bow.” In addition, I often recommend fillers and/or dermal stimulants to be injected in areas of the face for a youthful, more hydrated look and fuller cheeks. Restoring volume to the face is a procedure that can be done in my office, within minutes. Knowing where and how to do it is very important. Dermal stimulants are injectables that cause your own body create collagen. Some of these injectable procedures need to be done again in 6 months, some in a few years.

It’s important to find a qualified Plastic Surgeon who is willing to listen to your desires and help you reach your goals, as they can give you the best possible options and offer the full spectrum of procedures with the most comprehensive understanding.

* Its pertinent that these skin complaints are viewed by a boarded Plastic Surgeon or Dermatologist. It is not recoomended that patients seek out laser treatments and skin peels through beauty clinics without the oversite of a Plastic Surgeon boarded by the American Board of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons, or reviewed by a Boarded Dermatologist!

The Plastic Surgery Center of Naples
860 111th Ave., N., Suite #6, Naples Florida, 34108
239.431.7967 |