Sarasota Edition

God “Our” Father

By Terry Hoskins – On May 6th, 2010, my first born son was welcomed into this world with amazement and incredible joy. My wife and I just sit for hours watching our little baby eat, sleep, and every now and then we think we see a smile. There is nothing quite like the love and adoration we feel for him …

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Medicaid Myths – Part II

By Ira Stewart Wiesner Last month we began identifying the first five of the top ten myths surrounding Medicaid eligibility. This month we conclude that examination. Myth #6: I can make annual tax-free gifts to bring my assets within Medicaid limits. No. The IRS permits tax-free gifts of up to $15,000 annually, but that is irrelevant for Medicaid. Under Medicaid’s …

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Metabolic/Bariatric Surgery Fights Liver Disease Caused by Obesity

Joseph Chebli, M.D., FACS, FASMBS High blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes. These days, most adults know that being overweight can contribute to these conditions. But did you know that being morbidly obese can also lead to liver disease and cancer? A worldwide epidemic, fatty-liver disease is closely associated with obesity, which affects 80 million adults in the United States alone. …

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Swollen Legs and Venous Insufficiency: What You Need to Know About Effective Treatment

By Federico M. Richter, MD One of the most effective, natural ways to achieve healthy circulatory functioning is through exercising. Along with resistance training, any form of cardiovascular activity will improve the blood flow and diffusion of nutrients. The goal is to get your heart rate up because when the heart muscle contracts at a higher rate, there is an increase …

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Medical Marijuana is Proving to be a Leading Treatment Alternative

By MAXhealth Oaks Over 4000 years ago, Asian Emperors used cannabis for its healing properties, noting exceptional improvements in edema (fluid build-up) and also as an anesthetic. In ancient Greece, cannabis was reported in many manuscripts, describing its use for medical conditions such as eye diseases and joint inflammation. Over 300 years ago, in one of Oxfords medical professional journals, it …

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May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month Know the Skin You’re In!

MICHELLE PENNIE, MD, Board Certified Dermatologist Skin cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer the U.S., according to the American Cancer Society. Every year, there are more skin cancers diagnosed than all other cancers combined. The good news is that you can do much to protect yourself and your family from skin cancer. May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month, and the …

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Medicaid Myths Part 1

By Ira Stewart Wiesner Hello Friends & Colleagues! Over the years I’ve been continually amazed at how much misinformation swirls around Medicaid eligibility for long-term care coverage. I have heard them called “myths” but I call them voodoo because believing them can be harmful. The purpose of this article is to dispel the most common Medicaid Myths. We will address five …

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Our Favorite Tunes and Our Favorite Memories

By Matthew Solomon We have all experienced that fantastic moment when a beloved song comes on the radio bringing with it all the emotion and memory we can muster. Maybe it was the song from your wedding or a loved one’s favorite tune, no matter the circumstance music has an outstanding way to remind us of days gone by. That powerful …

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Foot & Ankle Pain Regenerative Medical Therapy: Healing Injuries While Avoiding Surgery

By Dr.Brian C. Rell, DPM, FACFAS Your Foot and Ankle is a combination of bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles that provide an extensive range of motion in basic everyday tasks, as well as in advanced athletic performance. Whether you are walking to your mailbox or running a 5K, an optimal range of motion is key to healthy living. However, …

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A PASSION FOR CHANGING PEOPLES LIVES The Marriage Of Cosmetic and Joint-Based Dentistry

By Richard A. Stanley, DMD, President I remember walking with my father when he was in dental school, through the University of Indiana Dental School. I remember the look, the smell, and the feel of dentistry from 55 years ago. I remember my own dental school just 20 years later at the University of Florida. Wow, had things changed! I look …

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