Sarasota Edition

What Causes Ankle Pain When Walking?

The ankle is the most commonly injured joint, according to a 2009 “American Family Physician” article. The repetitive flexion and extension of your ankle during walking can lead to pain and injury — or it can aggravate an existing condition. Ankle pain can be a symptom of an ankle sprain, a stress facture, underlying osteoarthritis, and tendinitis. Treatment includes anti-inflammatory …

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Debunking Your Diet: Coffee

National Coffee Day is coming up on Sept. 29 and enthusiasts are likely to be all a buzz. Before you pour that next cup, have you heard all the health news on your beverage of choice? Some studies give java high marks, while others recommend cutting back. With all that back-and-forth, it can be hard to track the mixed buzz …

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Medical Grade Skin Care vs. Over the Counter

MICHELLE PENNIE, MD, Board Certified Dermatologist September is National Skin Care Awareness Month, and what better time to differentiate between medical grade and over the counter skin care to get you the most out of your investment. Many people are unaware that there are actually any differences in skin care options. Marketing companies, commercials, highly paid celebrity endorsers are all …

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Water Therapy for Back Pain

Water has some very special properties that for some people with back pain yields great results in terms relief. The beauty of being in water is that it allows you to do more than you would on land – because it reduces or eliminates constraints gravity imposes on your moving body. Water exercise is done in shallow, mid-deep and deep …

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What is Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)?

By Federico M. Richter, MD Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a blood clot (thrombus) forms in one or more of the deep veins in your body, usually in your legs.Deep vein thrombosis can cause leg pain or swelling, but may occur without any symptoms. Deep vein thrombosis can develop if you have certain medical conditions that affect how your blood …

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A Change in Destiny

By Alex Anderson, Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church Jerry sat patiently in his shiny black Chevy Silverado in the same spot by the playground like he had done for the last four weekends. He reached over and picked up a brown paper bag, took out and slowly unwrapped his favorite mid- morning snack…a peanut butter and banana sandwich. …

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Lifeline Service Installed by Hospital Volunteers Provides Peace of Mind for Seniors

Over 13 million people ages 65 and older will have a fall this year, and more than half will not be able to get up on their own or reach a phone. Venice resident Linda Sparr is an active 77- year-old who isn’t medically at risk for falls, but living alone caused her to think about what could happen in …

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Orthodontics… More Than Straight Teeth

Treatment for Pain, ADHD, and Snoring/Sleep Issues in both Children & Adults From the time we are born our mouth is functioning constantly to keep us alive. Breathing, eating, drinking, and communicating begin immediately. Over the course of our lives, the use of our mouths becomes part of our social interaction, relationships, laughter, smiles and love. The question often comes …

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Psoriasis Awareness: What You Should Know

MICHELLE PENNIE, MD, Board Certified Dermatologist More than 7.5 million people have psoriasis. It ranges from mild to severe and is a lifelong disorder. But what many people don’t realize is that psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. The skin cells become overactive and produce more skin than what can naturally be sloughed off, so the end result is red, irritated …

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Untreated Hearing Loss And The Increased Risk Of Dementia

In recent news, there has been a great deal of effort to establish the relationship be- tween hearing loss and cognitive decline, including Alzheimer’s and dementia. For decades, researchers and specialists have shed light on these comorbidities. One of the pioneers of these types of case studies is Dr. Frank Lin. Frank R. Lin, MD, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor …

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