Sarasota Edition

Gulf Coast Ketamine Center Offers 2 Services to Better Their Patients’ Health

The two services that we provide to patients at Gulf Coast Ketamine Center are intravenous Ketamine infusions and  Medical Cannabis assessments. Over the past three and half years, we have observed patients in their deepest despair respond to IV ketamine infusions when no other modes of therapy had significant effects. Patients with severe depression, anxiety, PTSD, as well as chronic …

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Hyperacusis Research Study

Hyperacusis, or noise intolerance, is a condition in which patients have a reduced tolerance and increased sensitivity to everyday sounds in the normal environment. People who suffer from Hyperacusis describe their lives as living in a world where the volume seems to be turned up too high. In 2010, Dr. Herbert Silverstein, of the Silverstein Institute in Sarasota, Florida, encountered a …

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Is it Time to Consider Assisted Living?

Aging can be challenging not only relating to our health but also our ability to perform daily tasks and to live the life we deserve. When we’re younger, we often take for granted the ability to easily button a shirt without arthritic fingers or the capacity to walk safely from the bathroom to the living room without tripping over an area …

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Combatting the No. 1 Killer of Women in the U.S. Awareness, prevention essential to reducing risk of death due to heart disease.

Ignorance kills. When it comes to heart disease in women, lack of awareness – of both risk factors and prevention – is a major contributor to an alarming statistic: Every minute, another woman dies from heart disease in the United States. “Women must make time to take care of themselves, to learn their heart health numbers and take the right …

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Eating Your Way to a Healthy Heart

By Jordan Hopkins, MD, FACC Many chronic medical issues can be dramatically improved or even avoided by leading an active lifestyle and consuming a heart-healthy diet.  Many fad diets are out there making out-sized claims of cardiovascular health, but how do you know what is REALLY the most heart-healthy way to eat?  Rather than analyzing each and every version of all …

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Anxiety, Stress, Pain: Do Natural Supplements Offer Support?

Why is it that some people see the light, while others are constantly reminded of the darkness? The intriguing anatomy and process of our brains help us to better understand the production of fear, anxiety, worry and the decision to take flight or to fight. In Paradise Lost, John Milton may have summed up this scenario very well for us when …

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Exercise Enthusiasts and Athletes Have Special Hydration Needs: Learn How IV Infusions can help

Along with proper nutrition, exercise, and rest, hydration is key to accelerated healing. Dehydration is when our molecules have lost H2O, and it can be extremely dangerous, causing permanent damage to the cells, organs and musculoskeletal system. Unfortunately, it’s quite common not to feel thirsty until you’re already dehydrated. Thirst is a sign that the detrimental effects on your organs and …

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2019 Crunch Fitness Trends

HIIT TRAINING High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) was on the list of trends in 2018 with classes popping up all over the country. In 2019, HIIT will continue to be popular as we start to see HIIT hybrid classes hit the fitness scene. Think beyond just running and cycling, HIIT will start to blend with yoga, barre and other boutique …

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Lifestyle Choices Help Prevent Cancer

Diet, exercise and getting recommended screenings are some of the ways to lessen your risk of cancer. According to the National Institutes of Health, certain lifestyle choices can lessen the chances an individual has of developing cancer. However, even though most Americans know that choices such as quitting smoking, protecting skin from sun damage, eating a healthy diet, exercising more …

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Quality of Activities Can Contribute to Healthy Aging

Good sleep patterns, nutrition, and regular exercise can help older adults age gracefully. However, according to a recent study, another factor that correlates with healthy aging is having a life filled with meaningful activities. The survey of 7,304 participants found a link between meaningful activities and preventive health factors. For instance, individuals who ranked their life activities as more worthwhile were …

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