Sarasota Edition

Breast MRI Can Be a Powerful Tool in Fight Against Cancer

Breast MRI

By Heidi Smith, Contributor Women in the Venice area who have been diagnosed with breast cancer or who are at high risk for breast cancer now have access to the latest breast MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) technology to aid in further diagnosis and screening through Venice Regional Bayfront Health. Venice Regional’s new breast MRI technology uses radio waves and strong …

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Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN): How It’s Helping Patients with Autoimmune Disease and Other Conditions

Low Dose Naltrexone

Gerry Letendre, RPh, MBA, CHt Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist, meaning that it blocks opioid receptors. Taken at high doses of 50mg to 100mg, it’s been used for decades to help patients addicted to opiates and/or heroine fight their addiction by blocking the “high” feeling within the brain. Additionally, Naltrexone increases endorphins, which are known to enhance immunity. How does …

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Know the ABCs of Skin Cancer

Know the ABCs of Skin Cancer

About one in five Americans is likely to develop skin cancer, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS), making it the most common form of cancer in the U.S. Generally, it is highly treatable; however, it should be taken seriously and you should seek a medical evaluation if you notice a suspicious lesion or mark anywhere on your skin. The …

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Medical Marijuana

There are various forms of medical marijuana such as smoking, tinctures, vapors and edibles, but many people are still uncertain of which form is best for them personally. And that’s a critical question and more importantly, it’s why a certified medical marijuana doctor with extensive research and experience is your best option. The physicians at Certified Marijuana Doctors take great …

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Be Mindful of the Connection Between Diabetes and Alzheimer’s

Diabetes and Alzheimer

By Denise A. Pancyrz – Diabetes Reversal & Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Speaker, Author Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease have been at the forefront of many health discussions. It is a fear that many of our aging population believe there is no answer. While much research is still needed, there is a term, ‘Type 3 Diabetes’ that may provide some insight into …

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Many Cancer Patients are Seeking a Comprehensive Approach to Treatment

Cancer Patients

Ask most people what they wish for and finding a cure for cancer is usually at the top of their list. There are innovative advancements in treatment options like immunotherapy, and multiple studies are showing significant outcomes in shrinking tumors, killing cancer cells and eliminating chronic infections and inflammation that attribute to most cancers. Nutrition For individuals wanting to ward …

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IV Ketamine for PTSD, GAD and MDD

IV Ketamine for PTSD, GAD and MDD

Anxiety disorders affect approximately 40 million adults in the United States. Patients need to be wary of “proprietary protocols” and “special formulas” when deciding to undergo treatment. IV Ketamine Over the past ten years, Ketamine has been studied in patients with severe depression. A rapid instantaneous effect takes place immediately upon the drug being dispensed intravenously. Due to the outcomes, …

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Unmet Home Care Needs Correlate with Increased Mortality

During the COVID-19 outbreak in the U.S., McKenney Home Care is one of the many agencies experiencing resistance to care from clients. Families and the elderly generally exhibit concern about hospital and community transmission of the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus. Surprisingly, many of them are turning away their home care aides. They are making the calculation that allowing an aide in …

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Telehealth Is Helping Protect Cancer Patients During the COVID-19 Crisis

Telehealth Is Helping Protect Cancer Patients During the COVID-19 Crisis

In March, 2020, Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute (FCS) launched telehealth services across all FCS sites statewide, allowing patients continued and convenient access to care, while mitigating the impact and spread of COVID-19. Since the implementation of telehealth, thousands of patients have taken advantage of the service and have participated in more than 16,000 virtual visits (about 22% of …

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Endocrinologist Dr. Raymond de la Rosa Sheds Light on COVID-19 and Diabetic Patients

Endocrinologist Dr. Raymond de la Rosa

It is well known that those with diabetes are more susceptible to infections. There are two coronavirus receptor proteins involved in regulating inflammation, glucose handling, kidney function and cardiovascular physiology. We caught up with Dr. Raymond de la Rosa of Millennium Physician Group in Englewood to find out more about receptors and drug inhibitors that affect immune function during COVID-19 …

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