Sarasota Edition

The 15 “Good… The Bad… and The Ugly”… of Cholesterols you should know

By Denise Baker, M.D. Did you know that more than half of adults in America have unhealthy blood cholesterol? These floating particles of oil/lipids, day in and day out, are silently depositing microminature droplets of stickie oil along the 60,000 miles of vessels in your body. A build up over time will cause problems and potentially disastrous events to your …

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Topical Medications for Foot Pain Relief

Foot Pain Relief

Gerry Letendre, RPh, MBA, CHt Here in Florida, tile and hardwood floors are practical for their ease of cleaning and cooler surfaces but they can also cause painful foot conditions, especially among older people. We lose fat on the soles of our feet as we age and walking on harder surfaces increases the likelihood of nerve problems in the feet. …

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What Men Should Know About Prostate Cancer and Radiation Therapy

Prostate Cancer

By Dr. Kevin Kozak Every September, National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month presents an opportunity to increase awareness and discussion on prostate cancer, the second most common type of cancer among men in the U.S. Nearly one in eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetimes. The American Cancer Society estimates there will be 248,530 new cases diagnosed …

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The Importance of Carotid Artery Screenings

Carotid Artery Screening

When carotid arteries build up with plaque, the risk of stroke is high; it’s common for individuals to show no symptoms until the plaque build-up (atherosclerosis) is severe, this condition is referred to as Carotid Arterial Stenosis. Because atherosclerosis causes a blockage and narrowing of the artery, it prevents proper oxygen and blood flow to the brain. The plaque can …

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Dry Eye is an Inflammatory Disease That Should Not be Overlooked

If you wake up and your eyes are barely lubricated, find it hard to blink enough tears, have a gritty sensation in your eyes throughout the day, or are feeling that your eyes are simply irritated, you might be suffering from “dry eye”. It occurs when the quantity or quality of tears diminishes and can no longer lubricate the eye …

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Investing During a Pandemic

Investing During a Pandemic

COVID has caused us all to focus on health issues. It is flaring up again as you read this. We tend to avoid focusing on a major future health issue which is the possible need for Long Term Care or assisted living situations down the road. There are two main reasons for this. One, people think “I’m healthy. It won’t …

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New Combination of Neuro-Psychological Testing and Therapy at the Brain Wave Center

Brain Wave Center

Merging advances in applied neuroscience with evidenced based models of psychotherapy to Optimize Success! Pinpoint the Issue: We provide comprehensive psychological and neuropsychological testing  for children, adolescents, families, and adults. Our methodology combines proven testing and assessment methods with qEEG Brain Map analysis to accurately identify underlying issues and correctly identify appropriate therapies. There are Solutions: At The Brain Wave …

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By Ian M. Kahane, MD Nine out of ten adults in the U.S. suffer from severe headaches, and women are three times more likely than men to develop migraines. These painful headaches can affect individuals occasionally, frequently, or daily. Some migraines may be sharp and piercing, others may be dull and throbbing, but most migraines cause debilitating pain and nausea. …

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Foot care an important factor in healthy aging

Foot care

For today’s baby boomers, it’s more important than ever to stay healthy and active as they age. While growing older causes some unavoidable body changes, more boomers are focusing on healthy lifestyles that can help them prevent problems associated with aging such as mobility issues related to the feet and legs. Impairment of the lower extremities is a leading cause …

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Exercise and Venous Disease

Excercise and Venous Disease

Exercise is one of the most important factors in determining how healthy our veins are. Vein diseases, namely venous insufficiency and varicose veins are caused by a variety of factors, but fortunately there are exercises that can make a huge impact in improving overall vein health. CHRONIC VENOUS INSUFFICIENCY As many as 40 million people suffer from varicose veins or …

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