Sarasota Edition

Reset Your Brain For The New Year And Find Long-Term Relief For Depression and Anxiety.

Reset Your Brain

Many Are Choosing to Prioritize Mental Health As Their Top 2022 Priority Using Neurofeedback To Improve Brain Function! If you are struggling with holiday stress that has turned into episodes of depression and/or anxiety, you are not alone. Many studies have shown that anxiety and depression may peak around the holidays and this may signify previous brainwave imbalances, which can …

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New Year’s Resolutions: Many are Wrought with Short-Lived Enthusiasm


Exclusive Shape can help you reach your goals and stay the course. Our previous article aroused the interest of many readers, who decided to checkout our wellness studio in practical action. We see customer satisfaction with the first education-related exercise session, which is always rewarding. We are always moved by the positive feedback of our customers about the effects, sensations, …

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Senior Living Options: What You Need to Know

Senior Living Options

As we age, our needs change. Maybe the responsibilities of homeownership have become overwhelming. You no longer want to mow the lawn, make repairs, or be so far away from loved ones and friends. In other cases, a spouse might need daily care due to a specific condition, or perhaps your loved one has a neurodegenerative disorder, such as dementia …

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The Critical Need to Lose Weight

The Critical Need to Lose Weight

By Ian M. Kahane, MD Weight is a problem that plagues most American households. Over 40% of the population of the United States is deemed obese, according to the CDC, and these numbers continue to worsen. Obesity is determined by a simple calculation of something called body mass index, or BMI. While BMI is not exact, it has been well …

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Minimally Invasive TAVR Surgery Can Resolve Life-Threatening Heart Valve Disease

TAVR Surgery

By Heidi Smith, Contributor According to the American Heart Association, more than 20% of older Americans have aortic stenosis (AS), a condition that can lead to heart failure and death. Today, advances in minimally invasive techniques and technologies allow surgeons and cardiologists to resolve the problem, without a chest incision and frequently with just an overnight hospital stay. Andrew Murray, …

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Natural Long-Term Relief For Depression and Anxiety How Neurofeedback Improves Brain Function and Mental Health


If you are struggling with depression and/or anxiety, you are not alone. Many studies have shown that anxiety and depression may signify brainwave imbalances, which can be corrected by retraining the brain. Neurofeedback is a non-invasive, drug-free therapy that targets imbalances in the brain by retraining it over time. Depression Studies show that depression is frequently related to brainwave imbalances, …

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Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS), A Challenging Skin Condition That Often Gets Misdiagnosed

Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is an inflammatory skin disease that progressively causes a rash under the skin that is made up of lumps which are fluid-filled sacs (similar to boils). The bumps are a result of blocked hair follicles that harbor bacteria leading to inflammation and a stinging rash. The bumps are painful and often break open, which cause drainage, pus, …

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How to Effectively Boost Immunity with Unique Therapeutics

Unique Therapeutics

It’s that time of year, where we’re all a little more run down due to extra activities and stress. If you’re looking for a way to boost your immune system to stave off the flu, COVID or other conditions, they are some exciting ways to maintain wellness, as well as boost immunity. If you’ve had COVID, or another illness, or …

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Integrative Medicine Treating the Whole Person for Optimal Health and Healing

Optimal Health and Healing

By Gerry Letendre, RPh, MBA, CHt Dr. Kinga Porter, owner of Whole Health clinic, believes everything is a spectrum in medicine, starting with prevention, then involving supplements and diet and ending with medication, if needed. As a native of Poland, Dr. Porter has been familiar with integrative medicine, which combines alternative and conventional medical treatments and practices, her entire life. …

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No More “Senior Moments” Aging Without Alzheimer’s

Aging Without Alzheimer

By Dr. Garland Glenn You’ve heard it before: “Grandma’s lost her keys again,” or, “I can’t seem to remember names like I used to,” or, “It’s just a Senior Moment.” While common with aging “Senior Moments” are NOT a normal part of aging. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s and dementia are often attributed to “normal aging,” so nobody pays them much attention. …

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