Sarasota Edition

Why You Should be in Total Control of Your Estate Planning

Estate Planning

Estate planning services include living wills, drafting of wills, trusts, and powers of attorney. Estate planning customizes the documents to match the needs of the clients, and to prepare provisions for their children, dependents and intended beneficiaries, and to also reduce the impact of estate taxes. Many people are intimidated or afraid of hidden fees and high costs associated with …

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How often should I replace my Hearing Aids?

By Dr. Noël Crosby, Au.D. My patients often ask me: “How often should I replace my hearing aids? “The answer to this question can depend upon a number of important factors.  Some of these factors are: 1.    Are your current hearing aids functioning well? 2.    Are your current hearing aids fully meeting your hearing needs? 3.    Are your current hearing …

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Quitting Tobacco in Recovery: What You Need to Know

What Men Should Know About Prostate Cancer and Radiation Therapy

Everyone knows that using tobacco is bad for you. Yet in the alcohol and drug addiction treatment arena, helping individuals quit smoking has traditionally been a low priority.4 This creates a disparity for individuals beginning their recovery journey. Studies show that smoking is highly prevalent among people in treatment for substance use disorders, with most studies finding rates between 65-85 …

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END YOUR STRUGGLES WITH ADD/ADHD Help your child succeed this school year!

Do you have an intelligent child who fails to reach their highest potential because of the inability to focus and complete tasks? Children with ADD/ADHD often anticipate a new school year with deep-seated dread. Their parents, too, feel the trepidation of the transition. School routines – homework, test taking, behavioral expectations – can be overwhelming. This is especially so for …

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Chronic Headaches and Chronic Migraines Are Often Caused By a Prior Neck Injury  

Chronic Headaches

By Dr. Drew Hall The head neck junction is one of the most complex biomechanical regions of the body. We have all heard the phrase “structure dictates function”. This phrase intimates that structural abnormalities in the spine can have a negative effect on the normal function of the body, especially in the upper cervical spine. In this article we will …

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Freedom Village of Bradenton Awarded Gold Seal of Approval for Health Center Accreditation from The Joint Commission

Freedom Village

Freedom Village of Bradenton has earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® for Health Center Accreditation by demon-strating continuous compliance with the organization’s performance standards. The Joint Commission accredits more than 22,000 U.S. health care organizations and programs; the Gold Seal is a symbol of quality that reflects a health care organization’s commitment to providing safe and quality patient …

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Keep Your Arteries Young: The Importance of Exercise for Vascular Health


By Jeffrey Edwards, MD – Sarasota Vascular Specialists There is a famous saying of the English physician, Thomas Sydenham, stating: “a man is as old as his arteries”. As we age, the blood vessels become stiffened and narrowed secondary to the effects of various pathologies such as hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes, and atherosclerosis. These changes in the structure and …

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Back to School Shoes

School Shoes

By Premier Foot & Ankle Specialists Summer is flying by and your children heading back to school will be here before we know it. Children grow at a rapid rate and are hard on their feet, so becoming aware of your child’s overall foot health, along with understanding the importance of good fitting and supportive footwear is a must. We …

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Valvular Heart Disease: Mitral and Aortic Valves

Heart Disease

By Dr. Aneley Yegezu Hundae, M.D., FACC Valvular heart disease is when any valve in the heart is damaged or is diseased. There are several causes of valve disease. • The normal heart has four chambers (right and left) atria, and the right and left ventricles) and four valves. • The mitral valve allows blood to flow from the left …

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5 Reasons to Avoid Knee Replacement Surgery

5 Reasons to Avoid Knee Replacement Surgery

By Regenexx Tampa Bay, Regenerative Medicine Knee replacements are occurring far too often today and the simple truth is that many are entirely unnecessary. In some cases, the knee pain may actually be stemming from another part of the body. Even when using standard criteria for determining candidacy, about one-third of knee replacements are deemed inappropriate when evaluated by independent …

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