Sarasota Edition

Improve Vascular Health by Controlling your Cholesterol

Vascular Health

By Jeffrey Edwards, MD – Sarasota Vascular Specialists Cholesterol is a naturally occurring and essential substance which is both produced with in the body and consumed in foods of animal origin (i.e., meat). The main function of cholesterol is to maintain cell membranes and it is a vital component of steroid hormones, vitamin D, and bile acids (which help to …

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What is GOUT?


By Premier Foot & Ankle Specialists Gout is an arthritic inflammatory process that is caused by a buildup of crystals in joints, from excess uric acid. Uric acid is a byproduct of the body’s own metabolism. It is formed by the breakdown of purines, which are present in human cells and found in a variety of foods, including red meat, …

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Are Your Symptoms Related to Atrial Fibrillation (AFib)?

Atrial Fibrillation

By Dr. Aneley Yegezu Hundae, M.D., FACC Afib is an irregular heart rate that is often rapid with palpitations and causes insufficient blood flow. More than 6 million individuals in the United States have Afib. An electrical disruption to the top chamber of the heart, prompting the heart’s rhythm and rate to fluctuate, causes an arrhythmia. The two sides of …

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The Harms of Tobacco Use

The Harms of Tobacco Use

Each year, in the United States alone, there are 480,000 deaths due to tobacco-related illness. This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the impact of tobacco use in our country. For each death caused by tobacco, there are at least 5 people living with a serious tobacco related illness. Tobacco use is the number one …

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Hanson Clinical Research Center Diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects millions of men, women, and children globally. Managing diabetes requires awareness of your own body and knowing what makes your blood sugar rise and fall. Controlling these day-to-day factors is the key to living a long and healthy life. There are many ways to educate oneself on diabetes …

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Falls Can Be Due to Blurred Eyesight

Blurred Eyesight

By Elizabeth Schwartz, O.D. – Quigley Eye Specialists Falling is one of the greatest health risks older adults face. Each year, one in four Americans 65 and older experiences a fall, the leading cause of injury among older adults, and impaired vision more than doubles the risk, according to the National Academies of Sciences. Every second, an older adult falls …

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The Good and Bad of Shoulder Labral Tear Surgery

Labral Tear Surgery

By Regenexx Tampa Bay, Regenerative Medicine Today’s orthopedic care model, much like the healthcare model in general, often treats the symptoms of an orthopedic issue without addressing the root cause of the problem. This is true of shoulder labral tears. The usual treatment prescribed by orthopedists is a repair surgery but the cause of the tear is never addressed during …

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Back to School Common Acne Treatment Options

Acne Treatment Options

Anyone who has ever walked through the skincare aisle of their local drugstore knows that there are tons of acne-fighting products on the market. So, which one is right for you? Should you opt for an acne cleanser or spot treatment, or both? Choosing the right acne treatment can be challenging, to say the least. While acne is a common …

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The kids are back to school… now its time for MOM to refresh

MOM to refresh

Mom life is hard. I’m sure we can all agree on that. I hear a lot of people, myself included, make plans for later – when things slow down. The thing is things never slow down. There are always new things that keep us crazy busy. We need to create and demand time for our own body and mind. Every …

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Let Me Introduce Myself to You and Explain Why I Practice the Blair Upper Cervical Technique!

Blair Upper Cervical Technique

By Dr. Drew Hall My life path was made quite simple. In 1991 I suffered a neck injury. After baseball practice, a friend and I partook in a friendly wrestling match. I was losing and found myself upside down. In an instant, my life would change forever. I was accidentally dropped upside down on my head. I heard a loud …

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