Sarasota Edition

Rotator Cuff Injury? Physical Therapy Can Help

By Cheung Teav, Physical Therapist with Pinnacle Physical Therapy – The rotator cuff is made up of four major muscles and their tendons which connect the upper arm bone (humerus) to the shoulder blade (scapula). They also help hold the ball of the upper arm bone firmly in the shoulder socket, providing ROM and stability. Injuries to the rotator cuff …

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By Carl Reynolds Attorney at Law – There is an Oliver Herford quote made famous by a Billy Joel song: “Only the Good Die Young.”  If the saying is true, it may be because the good aren’t wearing their seatbelts. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), fatal injuries from car accidents are the number one cause of death …

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By Ramon A. Gil, M.D. – In the summer of 2006, the blockbuster “Snakes on a Plane” depicted Samuel L. Jackson as a courageous and smart FBI agent dealing with a true nightmare for the passengers of a plane from Honolulu to Los Angeles: snakes on a plane. It is perhaps difficult for most of us to think that some …

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Top 5 Foods and Lifestyle Changes to Help Lower Cholesterol

By Gino Sedillo, MD, FACC, CardioVascular Solutions Institute   – Understanding Cholesterol Cholesterol is a waxy substance that’s found in all of your cells and has several useful functions, including helping to build your body’s cells. It’s carried through your bloodstream attached to proteins. These proteins are called lipoproteins. There are two kinds of lipoproteins: Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDL) – These …

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Nutrition and Neuropathy

By Dr. Garrett Harte – We have all been told that good nutrition can generally lead to a longer healthy life. We also know that diets high in fats and sugars can cause diseases such as coronary artery disease and diabetes. What most of us don’t know is that improper diet can lead to malfunction of our nerves resulting in …

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Heart Healthy Flavor – Throw Away Your Salt Shaker!

By Gino Sedillo, MD, FACC, CardioVascular Solutions Institute   – Dr. Gino Sedillo, and his staff at Cardiovascular Solutions Institute, support the heart healthy guidelines suggested by the Cleveland Clinic. Some evidence suggests that limiting daily sodium intake to 1500 milligrams (less than a teaspoon) may benefit patients with cardiovascular risks including, heart failure and hypertension for all middle aged …

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By G. Austin Hill, MD – Tired? Is your endurance and strength declining? Have you noticed a decline in your sexual function and lost interest in your sex life? Every man could answer yes to some or all of the above at some time or another after the age of 40.  These can be common symptoms of low testosterone, but …

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Safe & Effective Weight Loss Combination

By Gary M. Bunch, MD, F.A.C.S. – Chances are, right now you would like to (or need to) lose some weight, build some muscle and get in better shape, or maybe you just want to live a better, healthier lifestyle. Dr. Bunch of Bradenton Surgical Group will challenge the way you think about slimming down and shaping up, by introducing …

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Preparing for Travel Emergencies

By Joseph M. Soler, M.D., F.A.C.E.P. – It’s summertime, and for many people summer months are filled with frequent traveling and vacations. This is especially true for those with children on summer break and the increasing population of retirees. Traveling to new places is exciting within itself, a medical emergency is not required for making memories. To avoid a medical …

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Is There a Link Between Nutrition and Cancer?

By Dwight Fitch, MD  – While many questions in life are debatable, some things, like the link between nutrition and cancer or the pure awesomeness of The Incredible Hulk (who is reportedly a HUGE broccoli fan) can’t be argued. To understand the link, one must first understand what cancer is. It is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the …

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