Sarasota Edition

Whooping Cough Vaccinations: Preventing is Better Than Treating

By Dr. Bindu Nair and Dr. Liliana Palacio – Whooping cough is an extremely contagious upper respiratory bacterial disease that causes violent coughing. The illness is caused by bacteria known as Bordetella Pertussis. The bacteria attached to the lining of the airways in the upper respiratory system releases toxins that lead to inflammation and swelling of the airway resulting in …

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Riding the Brakes on Health

By Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic – Every driver knows that you can’t get to your destination with one foot on the accelerator and the other on the brake. For safe, efficient travel you switch smoothly between these two pedals and you reach your destination. But simple machines such as automobiles are fairly easy to operate. There aren’t that many options. The …

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No Standing Only Dancing

Dancing is movement- and unless you’re a sponge, movement is life! By the transitive property, Dancing=Life. So given the choice between standing, arms crossed, stern faced with slack shoulders, and floating across the floor on two legs, who wouldn’t choose dancing? Think about it- how do people celebrate the best moments in life? Imagine if a newlywed husband and wife …

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By Carl Reynolds Attorney at Law – There is an Oliver Herford quote made famous by a Billy Joel song: “Only the Good Die Young.”  If the saying is true, it may be because the good aren’t wearing their seatbelts. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), fatal injuries from car accidents are the number one cause of death …

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Go Watch The Squirrels

By Alex Anderson, Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church  – Eight Years Old My dad was a Tobacco farmer, and I remember one morning, when I was about 8 years old, he gave me a chore. He took me out to a newly planted field of Tobacco. When the plants were about 12 inches in height, they had been …

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What is REAL Love in Marriage?

By Terry Hoskins, Director of Oasis Counsel – I have been doing marital counseling for years and I hear the same resounding sentiment from couples of all age spectrums that the love in the relationship has left. This explanation of “falling out of love” is usually espoused by one of the individual’s in the relationship. Other times both express that the …

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Age Management Medicine

By Timothy Blend, MD – Today’s healthcare challenges and tomorrow’s opportunity can only be met by those who search out deeper explanations of the body’s processes that generate health and disease. Life expectancy has increased due to advances in medical science. However, it has come with little progress towards quality of life or the length of disease-free years for the …

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Advances in the War Against Prostate Cancer

By Alan Miller, MD, FACS – Now that September has rolled around, men everywhere are deciding whether to participate in free prostate cancer screening events. For those less committed, here’s a primer on what you ought to know about prostate cancer. Facts About Prostate Cancer In the United States, more than 200,000 men are diagnosed each year, making prostate cancer …

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What is Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty?

By James  A. Tiesi, M.D. – Every year, a significant number of  patients see a physician complaining of hand numbness, tingling and pain. Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are minimally invasive procedures for the treatment of vertebral compression fractures, which are fractures involving the vertebral bodies that make up the spinal column. When a vertebral body fractures, the usual rectangular shape of …

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Safe & Effective Weight Loss Combination

By Gary M. Bunch, MD, F.A.C.S. – Chances are, right now you would like to (or need to) lose some weight, build some muscle and get in better shape, or maybe you just want to live a better, healthier lifestyle. Dr. Bunch of Bradenton Surgical Group will challenge the way you think about slimming down and shaping up, by introducing …

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