Sarasota Edition

HPV and Head and Neck Cancer

By Larry N. Silverman, MD, 21st Century Oncology – Approximately 50,000 new cases of head and neck cancer are diagnosed in the U.S. on a yearly basis. This represents 3% of all newly diagnosed cancers. Major Risk Factors and Symptoms The major risk factors are tobacco and alcohol usage. Typical symptoms caused by head and neck cancers include sore throat, …

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What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)?

By Michael A. King, M.D. – Every year, a significant number of  patients see a physician complaining of hand numbness, tingling and pain.Many of these patients are assumed to have nerve compression in the neck area and come to the doctor’s office with an MRI of the cervical spine. Some may even have had surgery performed in the neck area …

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Advances in Overactive Bladder Therapy

By Edward Herrman, MD, Urology Partners – Do you feel the sudden urge to urinate or do you leak urine when you laugh, cough, sneeze or lift some thing heavy? If so, you are not alone! It is estimated that over 33 million Americans suffer from overactive bladder (OAB), which can be uncomfortable, disruptive and embarrassing. Although there is an …

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The Power of Vitamins and Supplements in Achieving Optimal Health

By Timothy Blend, M.D. – Numerous studies have confirmed that dietary supplements can help meet the body’s demand for required nutrients. Issues ranging from depleted soil content, overcooking foods, not eating regular meals, digestion complications that are common as we age, malabsorption and stress that weakens our immune system are all conditions that make good argument for taking nutritional supplements. …

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By Robert J. Ycaza, MD – While neck pain may be less common than lower back pain, millions of people experience neck pain and/or related arm pain which can be quite disabling. Acute and Chronic Neck Pain Neck pain is generally categorized as acute or chronic. Acute neck pain often results from sudden trauma or a muscle or tendon strain …

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Effective Medicines Fight HIV/AIDS Infection

By Judy Vobroucek, Discount Med Direct – In the early 1980s, when the HIV/AIDS epidemic began, patients rarely lived longer than a few years. But today, people infected with HIV have longer and healthier lives. The main reason is that there are many effective medicines to fight the infection. Combining Drugs to Help Control the Virus There is no cure …

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Importance of Reducing Stress

By Dr. John D. Nichols,  Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic  – Modern life is often full of pressure, stress and frustration. Worrying about your job security, beingoverworked, driving in rush-hour traffic, arguing with your spouse – all these create stress. Throw all of this in the middle of holiday season and it creates a recipe for maximum stress. You may feel physical …

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Common Misconceptions About Childhood Vaccines

By Dr. Bindu Nair and Dr. Liliana Palacio – Misconceptions about vaccines have persisted for decades. There can be many reasons for fear of or opposition to vaccination. Some people have religious or philosophic objections. Some are concerned about the safety of vaccines, or may believe that vaccine-preventable diseases do not pose a serious health risk. Before reviewing some of …

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Rotator Cuff Injury? Physical Therapy Can Help

By Cheung Teav, Physical Therapist with Pinnacle Physical Therapy – The rotator cuff is made up of four major muscles and their tendons which connect the upper arm bone (humerus) to the shoulder blade (scapula). They also help hold the ball of the upper arm bone firmly in the shoulder socket, providing ROM and stability. Injuries to the rotator cuff …

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Future of Urgent Care Treatment

By Joseph M. Soler M.D. F.A.C.E.P. – In a growing trend, more and more patients are turning to urgent care centers for treatment of minor ailments and injuries instead of trying to squeeze in an appointment with a primary care provider or waiting at a crowded emergency room. This shift and the rising prominence of urgent care centers is reshaping …

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