Sarasota Edition

Does Your Sunburn Require Medical Treatment?

By Eric M. Folkens, M.D., Family Medicine, Bradenton/Lakewood Ranch/Sarasota Urgent Care Walk-In Clinics During the summer months, you spend a lot of time outside in the Florida sun. Unfortunately, with longer and warmer day, you are more susceptible to sunburns if we are not careful. A sunburn sets in after your skin has been damaged by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) …

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Home Care for Dementia Patients

By Senior Home Care – Bradenton, Sarasota – Dementia is a condition characterized by a group of symptoms that often include memory loss, hallucinations, paranoia, agitation, personality changes, problems communicating, problems with motor skills and coordination, inappropriate behavior and an inability to reason. If your loved one has any of these symptoms, schedule an appointment with their doctor as soon …

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Wellness from the Inside Out vs. Outside In

By Lakewood Ranch Chiropractic – A wellness approach to health is focusing on the underlying causes of any disturbance or disruption within the body and making interventions and lifestyle adjustments that optimize the conditions for normal function. The main difference between wellness care and standard conventional medical care is that wellness care seeks to turn on the body’s natural healing …

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What is Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty?

By James A. Tiesi, M.D. – Every year, a significant number of patients see a physician complaining of hand numbness, tingling and pain. Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are minimally invasive procedures for the treatment of vertebral compression fractures, which are fractures involving the vertebral bodies that make up the spinal column. When a vertebral body fractures, the usual rectangular shape of …

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Fearless Eating No Such Thing as Bad Food

By Kristi Bracewell, Founder/ Owner of Totasola, Wellness Consulting Have you ever craved a particular food? For example, “I really want a steak tonight”. Where does this come from? Is it possible that your body has an innate wisdom to naturally know what it wants? If you agree, do you trust your body enough to allow yourself to eat what …

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Seed of Opportunity

By Alex Anderson – Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church – You cannot go through life without thinking at some point that the things that happen in your life with all its twists and turns are just some random, cosmic, roll of the dice. If good things come, then the moon and the stars must have aligned just right …

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Is There a Link Between Nutrition and Cancer?

By Dwight Fitch, MD – While many questions in life are debatable, some things, like the link between nutrition and cancer or the pure awesomeness of The Incredible Hulk (who is reportedly a HUGE broccoli fan) can’t be argued. To understand the link, one must first understand what cancer is. It is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the …

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Medication Successfully Treats Atrial Fibrillation

By CardioVascular Solutions Institute – One day on the golf range, Ken Terry was excited to hear his friend mention that Dr. Gino Sedillo had opened an office in Bradenton.  Mr. Terry had recently gone to the ER for chest pain and was told he had AFIB. His heart rate was over 140.   It eventually came down and he was …

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Know Your Options for Long-Term Care

Helping Individuals and Families Plan for the Future By Brian Kudick Financial Advisor, Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC – Do I need long-term care coverage? Will I have enough for retirement? What are my options and how do I know what will work best? These are all very important questions. It is crucial to evaluate your current assets and situation and …

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By Timothy Blend, MD – As we age, our health becomes extremely important.  We all are more aware of the aging process as life progresses. Our priorities change as this aging process continues and whether its wisdom or fear it seems that time becomes the new currency as opposed to money. So we have learned over the course of time, …

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