Sarasota Edition

Urgent Care or Emergency Room? Who can better serve your medical needs?

By Eric M. Folkens, M.D., Family Medicine Bradenton/Lakewood Ranch/Sarasota Urgent Care Walk-In Clinics Where do you go when it is after hours and your primary care doctor office is close when you get injured or experience a sudden illness? You have two options these situations. You can go to an Urgent Care or you can choose to go to the …

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The First Annual GUY Expo, Presented by Urology Partners, Was a Huge Hit!!!!

By Dr. Sean A. Castellucci, Urology Partners – “The Guy Expo 2014” brought the standard health fair to new heights. The concept of pairing activities with health providers reached a segment of the community that would not be found at a typical health fair. This may well become the ‘new standard’! The ‘bar’ has been raised!! Michael A. Kehoe, CEO …

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What You Should Know About the Most Common Cancer

By Ted F. Kadivar, M.D., F.A.C.S. – Skin cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer in the United States and eighty percent of those are basal cell carcinoma. In fact each year there are more new cases of skin cancer than the combined incidence of cancers of the breast, prostate, lung and colon. One in five Americans will develop skin …

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Is There a Link Between Nutrition and Cancer?

By Dwight Fitch, MD – While many questions in life are debatable, some things, like the link between nutrition and cancer or the pure awesomeness of The Incredible Hulk (who is reportedly a HUGE broccoli fan) can’t be argued. To understand the link, one must first understand what cancer is. It is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the …

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Controversial USPSTF Decision on PSA Screening Worries Patients and Physicians

By John Sylvester, M.D. – There has been a great deal of attention in the media recently about PSA screening. The United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) came out with recommendations that PSA screening should not be done. They recommend no routine PSA blood tests for prostate cancer screening. These recommendations may lead Medicare and private insurance companies to …

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Hernia Repair Minimally Invasive Technology Transforms the Way Doctors Perform This Surgery

By Gary M. Bunch, M.D., F.A.C.S. – What is a Hernia? The word Hernia means ‘something coming through.’ A hernia is simply a hole through which something can protrude, usually intestine or the fat around the intestine. It is the swelling or lump that is there when you stand or cough which goes away when you lie down. This is …

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March is Red Cross Month

Every March, the American Red Cross celebrates Red Cross Month and the Tennessee Volunteer Region is urging all to get involved. This March, the American Red Cross would like to recognize the nation’s Everyday Heroes who reach out to help their neighbors when they are in need. These everyday heroes are our volunteers who help disaster victims get on the …

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What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)?

By Michael A. King, M.D. – Every year, a significant number of patients see a physician complaining of hand numbness, tingling and pain.Many of these patients are assumed to have nerve compression in the neck area and come to the doctor’s office with an MRI of the cervical spine. Some may even have had surgery performed in the neck area …

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March 16-22 is Poison Prevention Week Springtime Safety

As you begin spring cleaning and work on the yard, follow these simple tips to keep your family safe: Household cleaners and other products • Keep poisons in the containers they came in. Do not use food containers (such as cups or bottles) to store household cleaners and other chemicals or products. These should be stored away from food. • …

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March is National Nutrition Month 20 Ways to Enjoy More Fruits and Vegetables

Building a healthy plate is easy when you make half your plate fruits and vegetables. It’s also a great way to add color, flavor and texture plus vitamins, minerals and fiber. All this is packed in fruits and vegetables that are low in calories and fat. Make 2 cups of fruit and 2 1⁄2 cups of vegetables your daily goal. …

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