Sarasota Edition

Think About Your Heart Health Even After Heart Month

February is  designateda as American Heart Month., but every month should be focused  on strengthening community through healthy living, and the promotion for everyone to take steps in the prevention of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, so they can lead longer, healthier lives. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heart disease is responsible for one …

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I found it — The Secret to Anti-Aging!

My cholesterol dropped by 73 points in 1 month, my husband’s morning blood sugar level dropped from 200 to 113 in 3 months, and we are feeling and looking so much YOUNGER! A few months ago, my husband’s blood sugars were out of control after years of controlling it with diet. And his skin had taken on a yellowish-grey pallor… …

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March 2-8 is Sleep Awareness Week – What is Your Sleep IQ?

True or False? During sleep, your brain rests. False. While your body rests, your brain doesn’t. An active brain during sleep prepares us for alertness and peak functioning the next day. Sleeping just one hour less a night can prevent you from learning or functioning normally. True. Most adults need around eight hours of sleep to function at their best. …

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Throwaway Kids Become World Changers

By Alex Anderson, Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church 2:38 p.m. February 12, 2015 Upper Room, Day Spring Episcopal Conference Center Parrish, Florida Dear Reader, My friend Ben Rodgers and I took an afternoon break from the day’s leadership development work we were engaged in and, while on our break, Ben, who is the executive director of Children’s Cup …

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The Importance of Vaccinations

The debate over vaccines has caused a bit of a firestorm lately. The controversy usually revolves around the safety of use in infants or children. Lately, however, adults and seniors have been thrust into this debate as well. It seems that everyone has an opinion on the matter without much, or any, research. Vaccines have a significant and interesting past, …

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Heart Healthy Foods

Your heart is a pretty important piece of equipment, so it’s in your best interest to take good care of it. February is American Heart Month, and though most of us know the basics—eat whole grains, focus on whole fruits and veggies, exercise regularly—you might be unsure which foods are the best for your heart. Eating for a healthy heart …

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Don’t Overlook the Need for Insurance After Retirement

By Sandy Keir, CFP®, Suncoast Advisory Group I first met my client, Susan, in 2009, when she and her husband Bill attended one of my retirement planning seminars. Susan was 65 at the time and Bill was 70. This was the second marriage for both, they each had adult children living in various parts of the country and they jointly …

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A Fungus Among Us

PinPointe® FootLaserTM is the only FDA-approved laser treatment for toenail fungus. Stop suffering the pain and embarrassment of unsightly nail fungus. PinPointe FootLaser is the easy and convenient procedure that helps turn your discolored and disfigured nails into clearer, healthier looking nails. Nail fungus can be both unattractive to look at, as well as painful to deal with. Our PinPointe …

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Go Red For Women 2015 Facts Sheet

Article compliments of the American Heart Association Women are strong. We are smart. We solve problems. Women can do anything men can do. And, there are some things we’re even better at – dying of heart disease and stroke. Like breaking barriers? Go Red! And help break the one against heart disease. It’s not just a man’s disease. Each year, …

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Ask the Experts at The Eye Associates About Dry Eye Disease

“My eyes are scratchy, itchy, tearing and my vision is blurry.” These are the complaints that we often hear from people with Dry Eye Disease. Exactly what is Dry Eye Disease? Dry Eyes occur when your tears are not sufficient to keep the front surface of the eye, your cornea, well lubricated. The cornea needs constant lubrication by good quality …

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