Sarasota Edition

Five Reasons Why Women Are Less Prepared to Retire than Men

By Sandy Keir, CFP®, Suncoast Advisory Group I typically dislike articles written about women, because I think it’s wrong to make generalizations about half of the population based on nothing but gender. But, when certain behaviors unique to women negatively impact their financial security, they need to be mentioned. With awareness comes change. Numerous articles have been written about how …

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Prostate Cancer: PSA Screening – The Controversy

By Virginia Carnahan, APR, CPRC Director of Development For more than 20 years (the “PSA Era”) physicians (family practitioners, GPs, urologists, etc.) have encouraged men to have an annual prostate cancer screening exam starting around age 50.  The exam includes two simple tests – a PSA blood test and digital rectal exam (not pleasant but of short duration).  Over these …

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April is Autism Awareness Month

What is Autism? • Autism is a bio-neurological developmental disability that generally appears before the age of 3. • Autism impacts the normal development of the brain in the areas of social interaction, communication skills, and cognitive function. Individuals with autism typically have difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication, social interactions, and leisure or play activities. • Individuals with autism …

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Ginny Gave Out, but She Never Gave Up

By Alex Anderson, Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church While I sat with the family in the surgical waiting area, I saw the elevator doors open. It was the surgeon. As he walked the twenty-five feet or so from the elevator to the waiting room, he was looking at the floor as though he was searching for something, maybe …

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Get rid of embarrassing toenail fungus in just one treatment!

Toenail fungus affects almost half of Americans by the time they reach seventy. If you don’t have toenail fungus, the person sitting next to you probably does or will have it soon. The unsightly fungus can be embarrassing for many people, which is why most try to deal with it on their own. A simple Internet search of “toenail fungus” …

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Provided by The American Diabetes Association Diabetes is a serious disease, and you probably know someone who is affected by it. Nearly 30 million* children and adults in the U.S. are living with diabetes. About eight million of those people don’t know they have it, which means they’re not getting the care they need to stay healthy. About 5% of …

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Concussions in Youth Sports

As the number of reported cases of traumatic brain injury (TBI) increases in professional sports, so too does awareness of concussions at the college and amateur levels. The NFL now takes helmet to helmet contact as a serious offense after coming under intense scrutiny for allowing players to reenter the game after sustaining brain jarring hits. Professional leagues have their …

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Breeze Through Allergy Season with Proper Care

By Eric M. Folkens, M.D., Family Medicine Bradenton/Lakewood Ranch/Sarasota Urgent Care Walk-In Clinics – April showers bring May flowers and pollen! For those who suffer with seasonal allergies, there is no need to announce that spring allergy season is upon us because you are likely already experiencing some of the unwanted symptoms. But don’t worry, there are ways to fight …

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Challenging the Status Quo with Stem Cells

By Cara Tompot, Staff Writer Looking back on history, we remember a time when women didn’t ha ave the rights that they do now. Prior to 1919, women didn’t have any way to express their thoughts and desires through public policy. Thanks to first-wave feminists questioning the status quo, 1920 marked the first year that women could vote. This social …

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Physical Activity Benefits More Than Your Body

By Carl McAloose We all remember having PE in school. I dare say that when asked what your favorite part of the school day was, many of us said “PE.” And why not? PE was fun. You got to play games, jump, run and best of all, you weren’t sitting at your desk. You got to burn off that extra …

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