Sarasota Edition

How to Approach Senior Care for a Loved One with a Mental Illness

Bringing up the topic of senior care support with a loved one can difficult, but the situation is even more fraught when that person suffers from a  mental health issue. Many family caregivers are left wondering how to approach the subject, worried about upsetting their elderly parent, or even fearful of an irrational or violent reaction. Unfortunately, this is by …

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NeuroBlate System: A Cutting Edge New Tool to Resect Brain Tumors

By Melvin Field, M.D. May is National Brain Tumor Awareness Month. According to the American Brain Tumor Association, nearly 70,000 new cases of primary brain tumors will be diagnosed this year, representing the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in males and females younger than 20. This month is an opportunity for us to come together to highlight the tributes and …

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You Change Your Words to Change Your Life

By Alex Anderson, Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church Words and thoughts are spiritual. They are not material. The material world can be measured; the spiritual cannot. This is my simple definition of spiritual versus material. Also when I say spiritual, I’m not necessarily referring to God or morality. I’m referring to that part of every human’s life that …

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Vaccines and Stem Cells: Weapons against Lung Disease

By David Ebner, Staff Writer Every fall, the billboards and television commercials urging you to get a flu shot start to creep into the national narrative. Many people have reservations about the flu vaccine; some state it causes headaches and even engages flu-like symptoms. However, the statistics strongly support the flu vaccination over trying to tough it out, especially for …

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Help For The Depressed

According to NAMI (National Institute of Mental Illness)  one in 10 Americans experience depression at some point in their lives yet only about 20 percent seek professional medical help—even though the condition is completely treatable. “May is National Mental Health Month,” says Jamie Seneca, Community Outreach Director for Nurse On Call. “Why not take this month to reflect on your …

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Tired of being fat and tired? We have a pill for that!

By Yollo Wellness Phentabz Rx™ is a true pharmacological diet pill. Rx™ is NOT an herbal supplement but rather a designer non-prescription pharmaceutical analog providing superior results without the side effects. Many health care professionals upgrade their patients to the new replacement. How does PhenTabz RX work? The patented ingredients in Phentabz Rx™perform two essential functions.  It increases the body’s …

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Your Painful Pet. Arthritis is more common than you think.

By Dr John Rand, D.V.M. – Arthritis is a very common and complex condition in pets that involves inflammation of one or more joints. Many causes exist, from immune mediated attacks on the joints (rheumatoid arthritis), to infectious causes (septic arthritis). By far the most common cause among our pets, however, is osteoarthritis (OA), also known as degenerative joint disease …

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Low Testosterone

By Dr. Mitch Yadven – Hormones are chemicals made in your body that act on another part of the body after traveliing through the bloodstream. Testosterone is a hormone which is naturally produced in both men and women but is found in much higher levels in men. The majority of testosterone is made in the testicles in men with a …

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Acupuncture Can Help Abdominal Pain!

By Christina Captain, DAOM (c) Acupuncture, a single modality in the ancient medical model of Oriental Medicine is considered to be between 4,000 and 6,000 years old. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes over 43 common disorders that Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine can effectively treat. Respiratory disorders such as Asthma and allergies, musculoskeletal disorders such as joint pain and arthritis, …

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8 Warning Signs of a Serious Eye Problem

If you or a loved one experiences any of the following symptoms, please call your eye doctor immediately. 1) A sudden decrease in vision in one eye…. Any sudden loss of vision could signal a number of eye conditions. A problem with the retina is the most common cause, including a macular hole, a retinal detachment, and an abnormality in …

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