Sarasota Edition

When It May Be Unsafe for Elders to Live Alone

Most families eventually have to deal with a complicated and heart-wrenching question: How do I know when an aging relative needs more help than the family can provide? On the one hand, there are numerous 90-year-olds living completely independent lives; on the other hand, there are lots of people in their 70s and even 60s who find they need more …

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Do it for Dad!

By Virginia ‘Ginya’ Carnahan, APR, CPRC – Dattoli Cancer Center & Brachytherapy Research Institute Okay – our short-lived spring has passed; kids are out of school; vacations  are  starting  and  Father’s  Day signals the official start of summer!  This is the perfect time for all you Dads to consider an annual check-up.  (Yeh – right!  I can just see your …

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God’s Peculiar Little Habit

By Alex Anderson, Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church God has an unusual little thing He does. The first time I realized what it was it caught me off guard a little. And as a matter of fact it really frustrated me because he expected me to participate in His little shenanigan. As hard as I tried I could …

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June is Men’s Health Month – Cars, Trucks, and Regular Checkups Keys to Vigor, Vibrancy & Virility 

By Michelle C. Reece, DrPH – Men’s Health Advocate Do men really take better care of their cars and their trucks than of themselves?  Most drivers know that if their car or truck is making funny noises, the dash board warning lights are on, or it is just not running like it used to, it is time to get it …

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Men’s Health Facts for Men’s Health Month

• Health Facts: Men die at higher rates than women from the top 10 causes of death and are the victims of over 92% of workplace deaths. In 1920, women lived, on average, one year longer than men. Now, men, on average, die almost five years earlier than women. (CDC) • Silent Health Crisis: “There is a silent health crisis …

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Men’s Health Quiz1

1.  At what age should you begin having your cholesterol checked regularly? A. 55       B. 35       C. 50       D. 65 2. How often should you have your blood pressure checked? A. Every five years.  B. Once a month.  C. Every two years.  D. Every ten years. 3. At what age should you start being screened for colorectal …

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A Typical Shingles Story

Last month a patient walked into the office, not quite knowing how to explain her symptoms. “My right eye just doesn’t feel right.  It is itchy and red and watery. My left eye seems fine. I went to my primary care doctor yesterday and she gave me some allergy medication but it hasn’t helped. In fact, it has gotten worse …

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Treatment for Arthritis Sufferers!

By Christina Captain, DAOM (c) Arthritis is one of the most prevalent diseases in the United States and according to the Centers for Disease Control one out of every three Americans (an estimated 70 million people) is affected. For many people arthritis pain increases with age as joints naturally degenerate over time. Fortunately, pain  from arthritis can often be managed …

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Listen Up… Why is it better to treat hearing loss sooner rather than later?

Identifying and addressing hearing loss early brings many benefits. From enhancing your quality of life, to helping protect against several health consequences linked to unaddressed hearing loss, the case for early treatment is strong. Perhaps the most compelling reason to never put off a hearing test and treatment, however, is simply this: We “hear” with our brain, not with our …

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Is Prostate Cancer Hiding from You and Your Doctor?

By Virginia ‘Ginya’ Carnahan, APR, CPRC Dattoli Cancer Center & Brachytherapy Research Institute We hear it all too often:  “My PSA is rising, but thank goodness the biopsy was negative!” This finding could be what is known as a “false negative,” and could be far more dangerous that if the biopsy had come back positive. At the Dattoli Cancer Center …

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