Sarasota Edition

Seeing Things Differently Living with Low Vision

Imagine loosing something that you have been dependent on since the day that you were born. Sight is one of the senses that we become the most dependent on, and as we age it’s one of the senses that is compromised the most. Many people with low vision have macular degeneration. The disease is common in people over 70 years …

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Could Treating Lung Disease Lower Your Risk for Dementia?

By Cara Tompot | Staff Writer It’s 2015, and it feels like the healthcare dialogue has shifted greatly in the last decade. We live in a society that constantly uses buzzwords like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Movies such as Still Alice and Away From Her have brought these debilitating conditions into the limelight. Just recently at a World Health Organization …

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Is Your Office Ready for the ICD-10 update? the ICD-10 Update?

With the implementation of ICD-10 upon us, is your office staff confident and ready for the transition? A lack of readiness and compliance could result in widespread disruptions of payments to your practice when claims bearing ICD-9 codes are rejected. As with ICD-9, ICD-10 is based on the International Classification of Diseases, published by the World Health Organization, which designates …

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Heart Palpitations & Preventative Care – Nadine’s Story

You’re going about your normal day, when suddenly you feel your heart skip a beat. You may even feel a little dizzy. What is going on? Is it life threatening? How do you know if it is or not? What is causing this? For Nadine Thomas, it was just another day at work when these same thoughts crossed her mind. …

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Blue Light: A Health Threat Hiding in Plain Sight

Is your vision at risk? How many hours of screen time are in your day? Most of us spend the bulk of our waking hours staring at a digital screen. Studies suggest that 60% of people spend in excess of 6 hours daily in front of some electronic device. Just a generation ago, parents worried primarily about the number of …

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By Virginia ‘Ginya’ Carnahan, APR, CPRC Dattoli Cancer Center & Brachytherapy Research Institute Does anyone really need Prostate Cancer Awareness Month?  October is just around the corner and the entire nation will be blasted with pink ribbons and every conceivable event and gimmick to hammer home the message about breast cancer.  But what about prostate cancer? It is an interesting …

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Test Your Ovarian Cancer Knowledge

Ovarian Cancer Quiz—True or False? 1. Ovarian cancer can be detected by a Pap test. 2. Ovarian cancer is usually detected at already advanced stages. 3. Most people who develop ovarian cancer have a family history of ovarian cancer. 4. Birth control pills reduce the risk for developing ovarian cancer. 5. The gene for hereditary ovarian cancer may be passed from …

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Why’s everyone gone nuts for coconuts?

It seems like you can’t turn on the TV or open a women’s magazine without seeing or hearing something about the healthful benefits of coconut milk, coconut water, coconut sugar or even coconut oil. Proponents of coconut claim it is the latest super food, curing everything from Alzheimer’s disease to dry skin and heart disease. Starbucks has even offered it …

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Hearing Care is Health Care Part2

By Dr. Noël Crosby, Au.D. Listen to your ears. They might be telling you something. If you are experiencing hearing loss, pay attention to your entire health. The more we learn about hearing loss, the more we discover that it very often co-exists with other health conditions. You should pay attention to your entire wellbeing. Hearing loss is not a …

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Help Your Kids Maintain a Healthy Energy Balance

As adults, parents and grandparents, we want our children to get good educations. To have friends and successful careers. To be happy, safe and secure. To build a firm spiritual foundation. For them to contribute to society. Above all else, we want them to enjoy the good health that makes everything else achievable. Sadly, there is an epidemic affecting American …

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