Sarasota Edition

Driving in the New Millennium

By Virginia ‘Ginya’ Carnahan, APR, CPRC – Dattoli Cancer Center & Brachytherapy Research Institute Here it is – April!  Somewhere, someone has decided that this month should be dedicated in some degree to “Distracted Driving Awareness.”  I’d like to know who this person is and how he or she got the weighty responsibility of creating these awareness programs for us.  …

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Your Mouth is a Window to Your Overall Health

By Dr. Alexander Gaukhman Did you know that your oral health can offer clues about your overall health — or that problems in your mouth can affect the rest of your body? Understand the intimate connection between oral health and overall health and what you can do to protect yourself. What’s the connection between oral health and overall health? Like …

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Super-size Mine, Please!

By Alex Anderson, Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church Time for a bible lesson…I promise it will not be boring. This is how I understand Ephesians 3:20 after I have studied it in the Interlinear Bible. “To the one who has power over all things and constructs, beyond our present situation, that we ask or think through the physical …

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2016 Parkinson’s Disease Patient’s Forum

By Ramon Gil, M.D. As scientists and medical researchers continue to make progress searching for the cause(s) of Parkinson’s Disease (PD), and ways to eventually “cure” this illness, the treatment has become not only more effective, but more specialized, requiring from both:  patients and treating neurologists, a more comprehensive understanding of the different aspects of this complex disease. The amount …

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Staying a Step Ahead of COPD

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) has grown in prevalence over the last decade and is now the third leading cause of death in America. When diagnosed with an incurable chronic illness, people tend to search for alternatives to traditional medicine. The quest for treatment options can leave a patient feeling overwhelmed. Anxiety and depression can exacerbate symptoms, creating a vicious …

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Optimizing your Health Through Holistic Nutrition

Feed the body, nourish the mind, nurture the Spirit: By Danielle Perrault, Founder, Director, World Institute of Natural Nutrition To be optimally healthy we must take a holistic view of our health.  In truth, we can feed ourselves with great care and spend a large chunk of income on nutritional supplements,  without any substantial result.  This statement may come as …

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Diabetes and Your Eyes

Hope in Sight—Managing the Threat of Vision Loss Diabetes affects your entire body, including your eyes. According to The American Academy of Ophthalmology, diabetics are 25 times more likely to lose vision than those without this disease. The most common complication of diabetes is diabetic retinopathy, and the condition can develop in anyone who has either type 1 or type …

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Family History Matters -Mr. Lobo’s Story

– By CardioVascular Solutions Institute – I was raised in a boarding school with regular meals and never consumed soda, fast food, etc. In adulthood, I kept up good eating habits along with my beautiful wife Melanie and our two children. We also tried to stay healthy by not smoking or drinking in excess. With good dietary habits, why am …

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April is a month designated to celebrating Occupational Therapist.  Occupational therapy enables people of all ages live life to its fullest by helping them promote health, prevent—or live better with—injury, illness, or disability. It is a practice deeply rooted in science and is evidence-based, meaning that the plan designed for each individual is supported by data, experience, and “best practices” …

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Dangers in the Home

Oftentimes, living alone can prove to be dangerous for seniors. Senior citizens, like all of us, wish to stay in their home as long as possible and maintain their independence. According to an AARP survey conducted in 2011, 90% of seniors agreed. When someone is having difficulty with day to day tasks, it may seem like an easy choice to …

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