Sarasota Edition

Sugar Consumption & Poor Oral Health

By Dr. Alexander Gaukhman The average American consumes 150-170 pounds of sugar per year. That’s over 300,000 calories that can negatively impact your overall health in several ways: • Expanding waistline • Coronary heart disease • Type II diabetes • Metabolic syndrome • High blood pressure • Cancer • Cavities The severity of sugar’s impact on your teeth can vary …

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Tips for Staying Cool During a Summer Run

1. Try Running Early in the Morning It’s the coolest, most serene part of the day, and there’s nothing like a morning run to boost your mood all day long. 2. Drink Like Crazy Even if you don’t feel thirsty, drink at least 8 oz. of fluid each hour, and more if you’re outside or tend to perspire a lot. …

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Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude

Life-giving Attitude Part One: The Top FivePercent By Alex Anderson, Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church In my twenties, I was fortunate enough be in sales for a number of years. As in most sales careers, training on social interaction for the purpose of making the sale is imperative, especially for a greenhorn like I was at the time.  …

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To Mesh or Not to Mesh?

A guide to pelvic floor prolapse and the benefits of Robotic Assisted Sacrocolpopexy By Dr. Sean Castellucci, Urology Partners What are these ads on television about bladder slings?  Did I have that done to me in the past?  Should I be worried that I will have a problem from a prior surgery or even a future surgery?  These are very …

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By Jeff Spector, Lead Designer – Curtis Allen Designs Like most people, I occasionally dream about retiring somewhere fun—say, to a houseboat in Seattle, or a one-bedroom rental in Brooklyn, or maybe a chateau in Provence. But I have another fantasy, this one involving a place closer to heart, as in, my home. In this scenario, I stay exactly where …

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Tips for Aging Safely

The older we get, the faster life moves. Unfortunately, as our body ages, we take on the strain of our years. Keeping pace in a hectic world can take its toll. Elderly people need to use extra care to ensure their safety. When we’re young, we can fall and almost bounce back up. Our bones and muscles are flexible enough …

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You Can Avoid Having Cataracts. Have Clear Lens Replacement!

The good news about a procedure that can solve multiple problems Clear Lens Replacement, or CLR, represents a win-win solution for individuals over 50 who are considering refractive surgery to decrease their dependence on both distance and reading glasses. Usually around the age of 40, your eyes begin to have difficulty focusing on near objects. While jokingly dubbed “short arm …

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June is Men’s Health Month!

By Virginia ‘Ginya’ Carnahan, APR, CPRC – Dattoli Cancer Center & Brachytherapy Research Institute I suppose naming June as Men’s Health Month has something to do with capitalizing on “Father’s Day.”  A bit of history:  in the mid1860’s Mothers’ Day grew out of post-Civil War efforts to reunited families divided by Union and Confederate sympathies.  Fathers’ Day wasn’t  thought of …

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Rising Temperature = Increase in Eye Injuries

By Eric M. Folkens, M.D., Family Medicine Bradenton/Lakewood Ranch/Sarasota Urgent Care Walk-In Clinics It’s finally summer – and it’s all fun and games until somebody’s eye gets hurt. During the summer months the number of patients reporting to doctor’s offices and emergency rooms because of eye injuries increases exponentially. Keep that in mind while you are enjoying warm temperatures and …

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The Air in Florida: Good for Those with COPD?

By David Ebner – Staff Writer    Each year, the American Lung Association releases the State of the Air Report, accounting for the air quality of major counties in the United States. It’s probably not news that metropolitan areas throughout the state received varying results in air quality. It may be surprising that not a single Florida city made the …

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