Sarasota Edition

Your Attitude Determines Your Significance

Life-giving Attitude Part Two: Moving to Significance By Alex Anderson, Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church After speaking to our group the man stepped down from the stage and began to shake hands and talk to those who came forward to meet him. He was tall and big, well over six feet with broad shoulders and a thick chest. …

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Waiting for a Heart Baby Addilyn’s Journey

Two days shy of 26 weeks gestation, Amy & Daniel Jodoin received devastating news during a routine visit to monitor their twin girls. During the echocardiogram, the tech noticed something wrong and asked the doctor to take a look. At that time, Amy was immediately sent to Shands at the University of Florida Labor and Delivery unit to be assessed …

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Proven Knee Arthritis Treatment

By Physicians Rehabilitation FDA Approved Treatment for Knee  Arthritis Offered Locally Currently, an estimated 27 million people suffer from know osteoarthritis making it one of the most common causes of disability in the U.S.  It is estimated by the year 2030, 72 million Americans will be at high risk for osteoarthritis.  Patients with chronic joint pain often think nothing can …

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August is Children’s Eye Health & Safety Month Video Games & Children’s Eye Health

As with television viewing, eye care professionals generally agree that video games will not harm your child’s eyes or vision, if you follow a few viewing tips. While there is usually less strain involved in gaming than in doing close work such as sewing or reading, being in front of a screen for long stretches of time can leave your …

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senior safety: keeping the elderly safe in their home

By Jeff Spector, Lead Designer – Curtis Allen Designs If someone were to ask what your dream home would be like — where you could live comfortably and enjoy this home until the end of your days — what would your answer be? Would you have large, ornate rooms with a beautiful view, a modern kitchen with a large island? …

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Cape Coral Man Loses 180 Pounds Thanks to Venice Regional’s Bariatric Program

There are 24 million people in the U.S. who are morbidly obese; 72.5 million people meet the criteria for obesity. With bariatric surgery, a single intervention can change the lives of many of these people. Cape Coral resident Bill Reese was one of them. He had high blood pressure, took 16 pills a day and was about to need daily …

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Memory Care at HarborChase

No decision seems harder than moving a cognitively challenged parent into a memory care community, and yet it may well be the most loving thing one can do. Particularly when you choose HarborChase. In this safe and loving harbor for residents with dementia or Alzheimer’s, we honor the strengths and abilities of each individual, while supporting families and friends on …

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Bladeless All-LASER LASIK Imagine Your Life Without Glasses

There are lots of reasons people want to ditch their glasses—ranging from “I can’t see anything when I’m snorkeling!” to “My glasses get in the way when I give my husband a kiss.” Many dream of waking up one morning and being able to see without prescription lenses. LASIK can do just that! Patients even comment that they can’t imagine …

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Do’s and Don’ts For a Red, White and Blue Summer

Summer and her “Dog Days” are here.  Afternoon showers, steamy evenings and praise for air conditioners complete the picture.  While summer can be the favorite season for some, it also is the least favorite for others. We celebrate our nation’s birthday on July Fourth, so let’s start there.  If you are planning a picnic, here is a reminder of some …

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5210: A Simple Message for a Healthier Life

Obesity and the chronic conditions related to obesity pose the most costly public health challenge in this country. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the US spends more than 150 billion dollars on medical care costs associated with this disease. Over the last 50 years, Florida has seen an exponential increase in overweight and obesity rates. In …

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