Sarasota Edition

Compression Devices: Effective Treatment for Limb Swelling

By Alyssa Parker – Many individuals attempt to manage their limb swelling through various treatments such as compression stockings, exercise, diuretics, and elevation with little or no results. Limb swelling, also known as edema, may be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Some of the most common conditions where limb swelling is the first symptom include venous insufficiency, post …

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65 Years of Community Benefit Underscore Venice Regional’s Legacy

This holiday season, the auditorium at Venice Regional Bayfront Health will once again overflow with gifts contributed by hospital and clinical staff, and hospital volunteers to the Adopt-A-Family program. Last year, the hospital shared holiday happiness with nearly two dozen families in need. “Adopt-A-Family is just one of the community causes we support at Venice Regional. We are neighbors caring for …

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PHILANTHROPY – do you mean me?

By Virginia “Ginya” Carnahan, APR.CPRC, Director of Marketing & Development, Dattoli Cancer Center & Brachytherapy Research Institute This is the time of year when your mailbox (physical and virtual) gets filled with stuff.  Lots of stuff.  Stuff besides the usual bills. Believe it or not, there are still many companies that send out the tried-and-true printed catalogs of unique holiday …

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Giving Back—HarborChase Assisted Living Helps Low Income Seniors

This time of year is all about giving, and it’s the perfect time to give back to your community. HarborChase Assisted Living, which also has a dedicated memory program, knows that giving back is the key to a fruitful community. Making sure that our loved ones are given the best care is always a top priority when we choose an …

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Giving Back. Charity. Benevolence. Philanthropy. Altruism.

By Linda Chamberlain These are all words synonymous with the concept or practice of selfless concern for the well-being of others.  No doubt many of us have experienced that “helper’s high” when we have given to a charity, or gotten involved in a community outreach project.  Science can now explain why we feel warm and fuzzy after helping someone else …

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Fish Oil, Salmon Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Krill Oil: What’s the Difference?

By Bo Martinsen, MD Today, the omega-3 industry is specializing more than ever. On the supermarket shelf, you don’t just find fish oil any longer, but a broad range of products under that main heading. As we get a greater selection of omega-3 products, how do you decide what to pick? One helpful method is to consider the source of …

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Dental Effects of Smoking & How to Kick the Habit

By Dr. Alexander Gaukhman Although they aren’t addressed as often as the rest of the body, the effects of smoking on teeth and the oral cavity are important pieces of information in the process of smoking cessation. Everyone knows smoking is bad for your health, but did you know it is a major contributor to dental problems as well? Although true …

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Plaquex – The Anti Aging Treatment for Cells and Heart

Make your cells young again to combat atherosclerosis,  improve circulation, and even reverse aging! Angioplasty and coronary bypass are two of the most common surgeries performed today. But despite the procedures’ widespread use, how successful are they really? Research tells us that up to half of all angioplasty patients experience restenosis (another blockage of the same artery) within six months …

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Healthy Holidays To You!

By Karina Hammer, Certified Health & Wellness Coach It’s that time of the year again! It’s time to celebrate the holidays with parties, get-togethers, corporate dinners, and of course the endless family celebrations. While the holidays can sneak up on us, every year doesn’t mean the pounds have to follow. The average American will gain 7-10 pounds between Thanksgiving and …

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Alternative Treatments Help Improve Quality of Life

By Phoebe Brown – Staff Writer When people are diagnosed with chronic diseases, the challenge of living life fully, navigating the healthcare industry and finding the right treatment options can pose issues. For people with lung diseases, treatment options which address the disease itself are scarce and don’t usually go beyond traditional medications, supplemental oxygen or a lung transplant. Even …

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