Sarasota Edition

Understanding heart failure

Heart failure is a chronic condition resulting from the heart’s inability to pump enough blood throughout the body. It can develop slowly over time or occur suddenly. Either way the heart is unable to work and pump blood efficiently, resulting in a lack of oxygen-rich blood and nutrients being delivered to the body. There are two basic types of heart failure: …

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Massage—An Antidote to Stress

By Nancie Yonker, BA, LMT STRESS is something we have all heard about, experienced, and to some extent embraced as a part of being human. This is something we live with every day. We know the emotional effects of stress, but forget how it can also impact us physically. Stress causes tension throughout the body, diminished circulation, various aches, pains and …

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Dental Health & Hygiene for Young Children

By Dr. Alexander Gaukhman As you might guess, the number-one dental problem among preschoolers is tooth decay. • One out of 10 two- year-olds already have one or more cavities • By age three, 28% of children have one or more cavities • By age five, nearly 50% of children have one or more cavities “Many parents assume that cavities …

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Is Your Fish Oil Rancid?

By Anne-Marie Chalmers, MD Think fish oil. If your gut reaction is “yuck,” you are in good company. Whether it’s from remembering Grandma’s cod liver oil or taking the foul horse-pills in the cupboard, the majority of us believe that fish oil ought to taste bad. We put up with the fishy taste and smell because, well, it’s hard to argue …

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A New Frontier: The Moon Landing & The Rise of Stem Cells for COPD Treatment

On July 20th, 1969 America did the impossible: it landed two men on the moon. To say this was an unfathomable concept for its time would be an understatement. In a time where basic computers filled entire buildings, the technology and know-how to launch a manned flight seemed decades beyond our grasp. In truth, the Apollo Program was an extraordinary …

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Stem Cells-setting the New Standard for Treatment of Orthopedic Conditions

WHAT ARE STEM CELLS? Over the past several years, stem cell and PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapy have soared in popularity and are highly sought after treatment options, as a natural and non-surgical alternative to treat many common orthopedic conditions. Our bodies naturally produce stem cells. Because micro-damage occurs constantly, all body tissues are struggling to keep up with growth …

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God’s Original Purpose for Marriage

By Alex Anderson, Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church So here is God’s original reason for marriage.  In Genesis, He said, “It is not good for man to be alone.”  Among other things, marriage creates intimacy. Intimacy is the cure for loneliness. Yep…loneliness. I once heard someone say, “I’m committed to being married, but my intimacy is conditional upon …

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Therapeutic Options to Improve Blood Circulation

Blood circulation is one of the most important components of our overall health and well-being. When clinical symptoms begin to arise due to poor circulation it’s vital to seek preventative treatment options to avoid further complications.  Common signs and symptoms that occur are fluid accumulation in a limb, a feeling of heaviness or tightness, thickening of the skin, pain or redness …

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Do You Know Your Testosterone Level?

Tired? Are your endurance and strength declining? Have you noticed a decline in your sexual function and less interest in your sex life? Every man could answer “yes” to at least one of these questions after age 40. Common symptoms of low testosterone can also result from a myriad of lifestyle, social, emotional, and behavioral issues. It is a provider’s goal …

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Prostate Cancer – What’s New?

By Virginia “Ginya” Carnahan, APR.CPRC, Director of Marketing & Development, Dattoli Cancer Center & Brachytherapy Research Institute With the hustle-bustle of the holidays behind us, perhaps it is time to refocus our attention on health and happiness for this New Year.  This message is meant for men, but the information it contains is also good for women to know. First, …

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