Sarasota Edition

The War On Lung Disease: Traditional Treatments vs Stem Cell Therapy

War is hell—particularly when the battleground is inside your own lungs. Unfortunately, for millions of Americans, chronic lung diseases such as COPD, pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema seem to be winning that war. Across the U.S. 6.3% of the adult population (roughly 15 million people) have been diagnosed with COPD—a prevalence that is predominantly seen within adults older than 65. Worse …

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Osteoarthritis of the Knee – Why suffer needlessly?

By Physicians Rehabilitation Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common illness that causes joints to become stiff and extremely painful.  If you have been diagnosed with OA you are not alone.  Over 27 million people in the United States alone are reported to have this condition! Though OA can affect multiple joints in your body, it is most common in the knees, …

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Understanding & Effectively Managing Your Chronic Limb Swelling

By Alyssa Parker A compression pump is widely recognized as effective treatment option for limb swelling. Compression pumps are a safe way to assist your body’s circulatory system in moving the excess fluid which has accumulated in the limb and can cause painful swelling, non-healing wounds, heaviness, and discomfort decreasing your mobility. The compression pump is a gentle massaging technique …

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Causes For Limb Swelling

By Alyssa Parker – Finding the source of your edema is vital to getting the proper medical care. Chronic edema left untreated without a clinical diagnosis may lead to a variety of problems. Patients with chronic edema may start the day out with painless swelling in their limbs that progress’s throughout the day leading to a sensation of heaviness in …

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Starting the search for assisted living can be overwhelming.  Unfortunately, many people are faced with this daunting task in the midst of a crisis: a spouse breaks a hip, a parent develops dementia, a couple needs more assistance with care.  Where – and how – to begin? Let’s talk about assisted living facilities, or ALFs.  Did you know that there …

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Living with Heart Failure Team approach helps patients live full, productive lives

The numbers are staggering. According to the American Heart Association, more than 6 million Americans are living with heart failure, and over 900,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. “The condition is prevalent among seniors, especially those with underlying heart conditions or other medical problems such as diabetes and hypertension,” said Ki Hassler, D.O., a board-certified cardiologist with South County …

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Vaginal Rejuvenation for Better Sex

When it comes to sexual issues, many women are private and do not discuss their issues openly with anyone, even their doctors. Unfortunately, by keeping quiet, most women do not realize that they are not alone and there is actually treatments to help relieve the pain that can accompany intercourse. The fact that they are suffering from lifeless, ungratifying and painful …

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Parkinson’s Disease Could Be Detected Early Through An Eye Exam

Each year nearly 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.  This devastating condition is the second most common type of neurodegenerative condition of the brain and nervous system in the world. Typically an individual with Parkinson’s disease is unaware of their illness until they develop signs or symptoms, secondary to progressive nerve cell loss.  The signs of Parkinson’s are hand tremors, …

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What to do when your loved one is diagnosed with Prostate Cancer

By Virginia ‘Ginya’ Carnahan, APR, CPRC Dattoli Cancer Center & Brachytherapy Research Institute Shirley Grey recognized the important role that loved ones play in the lives of men with advanced prostate cancer. Her beloved husband, Herbie, was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1991 and died of his disease in 2008. Shirley learned a great deal about coping with a loved one …

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Redefining the Easter Basket The Good, the Bad and the Confusing about Sugar

With National Nutrition Month just behind us and the Easter Bunny on the horizon, figuring out how to balance daily nutrition with holiday indulgences can seem overwhelming.  But with an obesity rate that has increased over 150 percent for adults – and children – since 1990, re-visiting your children’s Easter basket and egg hunt along with your family’s daily diet …

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