Sarasota Edition

Giving Back at Any Age

By Aviva – A Campus for Senior Life With the holiday season here most of our thoughts tend to turn to giving. Giving gifts, providing joy, and for many a time to give back to the community. However, as we age giving can become more difficult, we aren’t able to do the things we once did, we cannot physically volunteer, instead …

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By Paula Morris, C-IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist “Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day; train a man to fish, and he will eat well the rest of his life.” As the proverb teaches, the best gifts improve life. As we enter the holiday season with celebrations of gratitude, giving, and new starts, it is worthwhile to …

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How to Save Time and Money by Knowing Where to Go for Medical Care

People who experience an injury or illness often have to decide where best to seek medical attention, with some patients often heading to the emergency room (ER). Because ERs prioritize life-threatening emergencies, patients who are experiencing non-emergencies often have to wait hours to be seen by a doctor. Visits to the emergency room can also cost patients up to 10-times more …

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Depression and Chronic Pain: A Better Alternative to Addictive Drugs

By Dr. Steven Reichbach In a series of ongoing randomized tests, Ketamine therapy has become more widely accepted for its capacity to revamp the brain’s depressive episodes rapidly. Over the past several years, many physicians have studied the effects of Ketamine on depressed patients including those with PTSD and bipolar disorder. Board-certified anesthesiologist, Dr. Steven Reichbach of the Gulfcoast Ketamine Center, …

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The Road to Brain Injury Recovery with Omega-3 Fish Oil

By Anne-Marie Chalmers, MD One year ago, my family was in an uproar. A close family member needed brain surgery, which was scary enough. Then, a week after this major procedure, he contracted a life threatening form of bacterial meningitis. I visited him many times as he fought for his life in the hospital. He was so out of it, …

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Focus on Pancreatic Cancer

Located behind the stomach, the pancreas is a glandular organ about six inches long that has two major functions: to produce enzymes (digestive juices) that help in the digestion process and to produce hormones, such as insulin, that help control blood sugar levels. The pancreas has an essential role in converting the food we eat into fuel. Pancreatic cancer occurs …

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Say NO To Replacement Surgery

If you or a loved one are scheduled for knee surgery, read this before it’s too late. By Physicians Rehabilitation Osteoarthritis is one of the ten most disabling diseases in developed countries (WHO 2012). Worldwide estimates are that 10% of men and 18% of women aged over 60 years have symptomatic arthritis, including moderate and severe forms.  It is estimated by …

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Take a New Year’s Resolution to Stop Smoking

Erick E. Calderon, MD, FACC, FSCAI December 17th marks the first day of  “Take a New Year’s Resolution to Stop Smoking” (TANYRSS). Most people are familiar with the negative affects that smoking has on your lungs and the increase in cancer related diseases, but often times are unaware of the detriment that smoking does to your heart. Smoking cigarettes and …

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Lung Cancer and the Importance of Early Detection

CT Lung Screenings The second leading cancer in both men and women is LUNG CANCER. According to the American Cancer Society’s Statistics, this year there will be 224,390 new cases of lung cancer diagnosed and 158,080 deaths from lung cancer. Despite these grim statistics, nearly 430,000 people today, have at some point in their lives been diagnosed with lung cancer, …

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5 Alternative Treatments and Home Remedies for Psoriasis

For people with psoriasis, suffering from painful symptoms like inflamed, flaking and red skin is not pleasant. The chronic skin condition is due to an overactive immune system that can be triggered by a number of internal and external factors. Many Western treatments include steroid creams and oral medications that come with a slew of unwanted side effects. Below are alternative …

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