Lee Edition

Robert Slack, LLC Partners with Home Base Southwest Florida to Help Change the life of a Navy Veteran and Her Kids

Robert Slack

Robert Slack LLC, a real estate brokerage in Florida, in collaboration with Support Home Base Southwest Florida, a private sector clinic who helps Veterans to take control of their physical well-being, have combined efforts to change the life of a Navy Veteran, Teresa Ruiz, a single mom raising three children, two of which have special needs. Teresa’s story moved the …

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By Tess Lambert, APRN, CMO “Time is Money.” “Convenience has value.” “Teamwork makes everything work better.” We tend to believe that these statements are true, yet we seldom think about our medical providers using these assumptions. Imagine the convenience of having your primary healthcare provider, your counselor, your massage therapist, and your psychiatric care provider in the same office working …

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A Quick Procedure Checks Liver Function In 5 Minutes Flat

Liver Function

The liver is known for its natural detoxification ability to rid the body of chemicals, toxins, and substances. It breaks down fats and produces energy, and its primary function is to filter and clean the blood from the digestive tract, which is then allocated throughout the body. Bile is also secreted from the liver and redistributed to the intestines. Many …

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Stop Allowing Neuropathy Pain to Interfere with Your Life:

A New Innovative Method Available in Fort Myers Most people with peripheral neuropathy, start out with some tingling sensations in the legs, but the disorder often progresses to become painful and disrupts daily activities and the quality of life in general. If left untreated, it can become debilitating and even life-threatening. The nerve damage happens because the small blood vessels, …

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Natural Stress Relief Naples Soap Company

Naples Soap Company

Another crazy year has almost come to a close, thank goodness. Just like last year, 2021 was another stressful one for the record books. Between the Delta variant, inflationary pressures, and global inventory shortages, it seems that normalcy continues to be out of everyone’s reach. Although we can’t control most of what is happening in the world around us, we …

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Advocate Radiation Oncology expands footprint to serve cancer patients across Florida

Advocate Radiation Oncology

By Dr. Arie Dosoretz A cancer diagnosis is typically a life-changing event for a patient and their family. Naturally, one asks questions around their diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. Additionally, the everyday logistics of treatment and financial aspects have to be considered as well. During this challenging time, cancer patients need a care team that is both compassionate and skilled. Every …

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A Guide to the Senior Living Spectrum

Senior Living Spectrum

Sandy Moffett, Certified Senior Advisor With aging comes a variety of issues that can impact independence. Senior independent living housing offers an ideal combination of assistance and independence to meet the needs of older adults. Independent Living Senior independent living is the beginning of the spectrum in which a resident is able to live independently with no supervision or assistance. …

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Hear Better – Age Better

Hear Better

We all want to stay healthy and happy as we age, don’t we? And we all know many of the obvious ways to do it — like exercising, eating right, not smoking and getting enough sleep. But did you know our hearing plays a role in healthy aging, too? We thought we’d share four ways hearing better can help us age …

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Health Insurance – Medicare 2021 Annual Enrollment Period Ends December 07, 2021, Individual/Family Open Enrollment is in effect now through January 15, 2022.

By Ulla-Undine Merritt (Dee) National Producer Number (NPN) 8853366 Medicare Beneficiaries who currently have Medicare Advantage Plan and Part D (Prescription Drug Plans) should have received their “Notice of Change” documents in September. These notices compare any plan changes from your current 2021 plan to your new 2022 plan. You will be automatically re-enrolled in your current plan if you …

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Chefs For Seniors Nutrition Tips

Seniors Nutrition Tips

In 2013, Nathan Allman started Chefs for Seniors with his Father Barrett, a long time restaurant owner. Chefs for seniors makes customized meals for the week in their clients home while offering companionship and nutrition safety checks. Nathan Allman explained, “My father and I started cooking for clients in the Madison, Wisconsin area ourselves, but quickly realized that we’d tapped …

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