Lee Edition

What to do if you think you have hearing loss

Most people who have hearing loss aren’t born with it. Instead, hearing loss creeps up on us over time, usually caused by exposure to loud noises, aging, or some combination of the two. Statistics show that the prevalence of hearing loss doubles for every decade of life, which explains why one out of three people 65-74 have hearing loss, nearly …

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Surgical and Nonsurgical Treatments for Rotator Cuff Injuries

Rotator cuff tears are some of the most common causes of pain among adults in the United States. Torn rotator cuffs lead to shoulder weakness, which can make it difficult to complete daily tasks like getting dressed. Depending on the type and severity of the rotator cuff injury, surgery may need to be performed to alleviate symptoms and restore full …

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Are your bladder leaks disrupting you from living a normal life?

bladder leaks

Do you get sudden, strong urges to urinate and are unable to control it? Do you go to the restroom 8 or more times a day? Do you have accidental leakage before you make it to the restroom? If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you may suffer from overactive bladder or urinary incontinence. What causes bladder leaks …

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The Holiday Season is Stressful: What This Means for Your Heart Health

Holiday Season is Stressful

Dr. Joseph Freedman MD, MBA The Holiday season is upon us, and with all of the festivities, we should consider that this time of year can actually put a great deal of stress on our hearts. Heart disease is still the leading cause of death in both men and women, and during the holidays, it’s essential to better understand and implement …

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Estate Planning for healthy relationships

By Steven J. Gibbs, Esq. Protecting and promoting healthy relationships is near and dear to everything that we do when helping people with estate planning matters. A couple of caveats for this article are as follows. First, estate planning is all about identifying key relationships with family and friends, both past, present and future, in so many ways. Second, estate …

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Three Steps to Better Health for Aging Bones and Joints

Three Steps to Better Health

By Dr. John C. Kagan, M.D. As we grow older, we begin to lose bone tissue and muscle mass. Accompanying these changes is an increase in the delicacy of our bones and a decrease in overall muscle strength. As this occurs, we can become at risk of developing bone conditions such as osteoporosis, which causes bones to become weak or …

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By Alejandro Miranda-Sousa, MD and Kailen Gonzalez, PA-C Urinary tract infections can affect any part of the urinary tract system, namely the kidneys, urethra, and the bladder. However, it is the lower urinary tract system consisting of the urethra and the bladder, which is most often affected by the UTIs. The incidences of UTIs are more prevalent in women than …

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All About RMDs

By Adam Bruno, Certified Financial Fiduciary® There really is a purpose behind required minimum distributions (RMD) of tax-advantaged retirement accounts. IRAs and employer-sponsored retirement plans feature tax-deferred income contributions and earnings growth throughout the lifetime of the account. There’s just one catch — when you take money out of that account, it then gets taxed at ordinary income tax rates. …

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Holiday Travel Plans? What You Should Know About Deep Vein Thrombosis

Holiday Travel Plans

Long periods of travel or sitting are more dangerous than most people realize. Do you sit for long periods of time? Just like when traveling by plane or in other vehicles, it’s essential to move your legs, feet and ankles during these stages and it’s important to get up and take breaks. Walking around or doing a few leg exercises …

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Golf and your Feet – Part 1

Golf and your Feet

“Good foot action is the mark of an accomplished golfer. All timing, distance, and direction comes out of the lower body with the feet leading the way.” — Jack Nicklaus, Golf Legend The distance of a typical golf course is approximately 3 1/2 to 4 miles. This does not take into account the extra distance you walk between the green …

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