Lee Edition

Spotlight on Shingles: Symptoms & Treatments

By Dr. Robert J. Ycaza – Commonly known as herpes zoster, Shingles is a condition in which a painful rash or blisters appear on the the skin that is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox – the varicella-zoster virus (VZV). In reality, you have a higher risk for developing Shingles if you have had chicken pox. Basically, …

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I Think I Broke My Back

By Philip W. Tally, M.D. – Most of us, at some time in our life, have fallen down landing hard resulting in a sudden severe pain in the middle or lower back. This pain may be minor and only last a few days, or it may persist and gradually worsen. The outcome of a fall may include straining ligaments, slipping …

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Adapting to Life with Chronic Pain

By Dr. Richard Berkun – When faced with a diagnosis of any chronic pain condition, it is easy to find yourself deciding between one of two extreme choices: 1. To take the ‘ostrich approach’ and stick your head in the sand, hoping it all goes away; 2. To find a way of continuing with your life in spite of the …

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Age Management Medicine

By Timothy Blend, MD – Today’s healthcare challenges and tomorrow’s opportunity can only be met by those who search out deeper explanations of the body’s processes that generate health and disease. Life expectancy has increased due to advances in medical science. However, it has come with little progress towards quality of life or the length of disease-free years for the …

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A Healthy Heart is Within Reach

By Senior Home Care – Bradenton, Sarasota – Heart disease or cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and is a major cause of disability. Heart disease is the number one worldwide killer of men and women and is responsible for 40 percent of all the deaths in the United States, more than all forms …

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It’s Not Too Late to Vaccinate Get Your Flu Vaccine Today!

By Eric M. Folkens, M.D., Family Medicine – Bradenton/Lakewood Ranch/Sarasota Urgent Care Walk-In Clinics When it’s after November and you see signs and banners in your community that advertise, “Get Your Flu Vaccine Here,” you might think, “Isn’t it too late for that?” The answer is no! Flu season typically peaks in February and can last as late as May. …

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BIG Movements Help Parkinson Patients

By Lisa Hotaling, PT – Aprogressive disorder of the nervous system resulting in loss of dopamine-producing brain cells; Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common degenerative brain disorder, second only to Alzheimer disease. Patients diagnosed with PD may experience one or more of these symptoms: tremor, slowed movement (bradykinesia), rigidity in the muscles, altered posture and balance, changes in …

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EsophyX: Offers Non-Invasive, Lasting Relief from GERD Without Medications

By Gary M. Bunch, M.D., F.A.C.S. – Heartburn, acid reflux, and GERD—these terms are inter-related, but are not similar. Heartburn is the symptom which you will feel when the acid in the stomach moves up to your esophagus. This movement is known as acid reflux which happens when there is an over-secretion of gastric juices in the stomach and the …

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Do You Have Sensitive Teeth?

By Dr. Marcelo W. Mattschei, DDS – Do you ever experience a pain in your teeth when eating ice cream or sipping hot coffee? Do you find that brushing or flossing occasionally makes you wince? If you answered yes to either of these questions you likely have sensitive teeth. Many Americans are walking around today, unable to enjoy a cold …

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A Lifetime Plan for Seniors for Continued Independence at Home

By Geri Spaeth, Executive Director, Senior Choice at Home – Staying active, independent and healthy while living in the comfort of home ranks among the top goals for many people in their retirement years in Southwest Florida. But none of us knows what lies ahead when it comes to our ability to remain independent and healthy. One way to ensure …

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