Lee Edition

Understanding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? It is a disorder that can potentially affect many people because of the demands placed on their hands throughout life. The causes are varied and may include the following: Occupational factors that seem to contribute to the onset of carpal tunnel include repetitive finger use associated with high force, long duration, and extremes of wrist …

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Bringing Back Personal in Pharmacy

PharmiCare is a newly opened concierge pharmacy that’s built on a hallowed, time-honored tradition of dedicated service to others in the delivery of quality health and wellness care — a level of personal care and individualized attention that is, unfortunately, no longer the norm for retail pharmacy chains. PharmiCare is owned and operated by Dr. John R. Dobbs, PharmD, RPh …

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Diet, Nutrition And Your Gall Bladder

Most people never give a thought to the health of their gallbladder. Your gall bladder is one of those important parts of your body that you never notice until something goes wrong with it.The pear-shaped organ does have an important job, collecting and storing bile, the fluid that helps the body digest fats. But unlike the heart, liver, and kidneys, …

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The Alkaline Way to Achieve An Unstoppable Immune System

By Beth Marlow, Certified Nutritional Counselor, Holistic Life Coach & Certified Holistic Cancer Coach (PCCI), Owner of SPA USA In Ft. Myers – With our nation’s health crisis at an all time high and chronic diseases such as Diabetes, Cancer and obesity now afflicting hundreds of millions every year, it is time to ask a profound question, “Are we killing …

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Hydration News…Sip on This!

By Janet Calderwood, Registered Dietitian – Water is essential for life; without it, a person can survive for only a few days. In fact, the majority of our total body weight comes from water, 50% in females and 60% in males. In the body, water is responsible for many functions including transporting nutrients, regulating body temperature, cleansing the blood of …

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You Are What You Digest

By Yollo Wellness – Everyone’s digestive system is unique. Understanding your digestive health and issues is essential to living healthy. The expression “you are what you eat” would best be explained as “you are what you DIGEST”. Understanding your digestive health and how it impacts your entire body’s functioning system directly relates to how you feel on a day to …

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Is Your Head on Straight? Upper Cervical Care helps local woman that has been suffering with chronic neck stiffness & vertigo

By Drs. Drew and Kanema Clark – “I’ve been going to chiropractors for many years and tried many other avenues, however I have always had the same problem,” says Bunny Belden.  Constant problems with her neck accompanied by vertigo (dizziness) left her frustrated and searching for answers.  Prior to staring care at Arc of Life Family Spinal Care she remembers …

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Concept 10 10 The Future of Exercise and Rehabilitation

By Jorgen Albrechtsen – Imagine this: For just 20 minutes a week, you can get and stay physically fit—without ever breaking a sweat. In the privacy of an exercise room reserved just for you and your dedicated personal trainer, you work out on six, specially-designed machines. Slowly, you lift and lower weights in 10 second intervals until you can’t lift …

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Food and Your Mood: The Fuel We Need to Feel Good

By Tara Moser, LCSW, RPT-S – While fulfilling our cravings is rewarding for a short time, what we eat actually fuels our moods. There are many trends that seem appealing and have good mental health backing, but they aren’t for everyone.  Gluten for example is hard to eliminate from one’s diet, yet often parents report better behavior in their children …

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Helping Your Child Choose the Best College While Selecting the Best Financial Options

By Dr. Christine Davis – Edison State College – As your son/daughter pre-pares to enter college, you will have plenty of questions.  Which college should they attend?  What should they select as their major?  How will we pay for college?  Luckily, there are many options and resources available to assist in making these decisions. When deciding on the college that …

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