Lee Edition

Spring (Change) is in the Air

By Brent Myers Spring ushers in a new season. It signals the end of “winter” and the beginning of something new. Spring brings new flowers, warmer temperatures, greener grass, and another baseball season. Spring also brings another ritual for many people: cleaning. Yep – good ol’ fashioned spring cleaning. “Out with the old and in with the new.” Perhaps this …

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Community Partnerships the Key to Success

By Dr. Robert R. Jones For any community-based organization, your success is only as strong as the relationships you build. At Florida SouthWestern State College (FSW), we strive to provide high-quality, low-cost educational opportunities, programs and services for our students. Often, this is only possible through the partnerships we share with other community-based organizations. The numerous partnerships FSW has established …

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Stem Cells Take Center Stage

By David Ebner, Staff Writer The world will never forget the fate-filled day when four young men from Liverpool, England walked onto the stage of The Ed  Sullivan Show in 1964. The bright stage lights and the squeals from the crowd rained down on the smiling group, and that grainy black and white image was pinned as a moment of …

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Think About Your Heart Health Even After Heart Month

February is  designateda as American Heart Month., but every month should be focused  on strengthening community through healthy living, and the promotion for everyone to take steps in the prevention of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, so they can lead longer, healthier lives. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heart disease is responsible for one …

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I found it — The Secret to Anti-Aging!

My cholesterol dropped by 73 points in 1 month, my husband’s morning blood sugar level dropped from 200 to 113 in 3 months, and we are feeling and looking so much YOUNGER! A few months ago, my husband’s blood sugars were out of control after years of controlling it with diet. And his skin had taken on a yellowish-grey pallor… …

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What is the difference between Bladeless Laser Cataract Surgery and traditional cataract surgery?

By Jonathan M. Frantz, MD, FACS At Frantz EyeCare we offer both bladeless laser cataract surgery and traditional cataract surgery. With the bladeless procedure, the first three steps of your surgery are done with a computer controlled LenSx laser to ensure the highest-precision surgical incisions. The LenSx is unquestionably the most technologically advanced option for cataract patients. LenSx utilizes a …

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How Does Gastric Sleeve Surgery Work?

By Peter Denk, MD, FACS Gastric sleeve surgery involves permanently removing a large portion of the stomach, anywhere from 60% to 85% of the total stomach. The portion left behind is a slim tube or “sleeve” that will serve as your new stomach. This stomach is already connected naturally to the stomach inlet and outlet which means that no rerouting …

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Senior Home Care Provides Invaluable Services

By Juan Teodoro, D.M.D. – Most people want to continue living independently in their own homes long into their retirement years. Remaining self-sufficient in familiar surroundings is important to many seniors. Unfortunately, certain situations — a sudden illness, a chronic condition, and the very fact of aging — affect a person’s ability to care for themselves and/or effectively manage their …

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Knee Pain Does Not Mean You Need Knee Replacement Surgery

By Physicians Rehabilitation – A person with knee pain knows how often it gets in the way of doing the things they want and need to do in daily life. Because the knee is a weight bearing joint, knee pain affects almost everything we do that requires mobility, including those things most of us have usually taken for granted. For …

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Runner’s Knee: A common cause of pain, with surgical and non-surgical treatment options

By Dr. John C. Kagan, M.D. Athletes in high-impact sports, such as cyclists, track-and-field competitors, and runners, often put a large amount of stress on their knees. Runner’s knee is a term that refers to general pain and soreness around the front of the knee, and the medical term for this pain is patellofemoral pain. Several different conditions can lead …

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