Lee Edition

Preparing for Disasters…Are You Ready?

Disasters can happen anytime, anyplace to anyone, but as a resident of Florida it is  important to approach hurricane season fully prepared with a plan especially for those caring for someone with Alzheimer’s Disease or other memory impairments. Disasters can be particularly disruptive to the daily living of older adults and their caregivers.  An emergency can exacerbate the effects of …

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What Would Rising Interest Rates Mean to You?

Provided by RBC Wealth Management and John Barnes Following the financial crisis of 2008, many investors rushed to the investment “sidelines” in order to avoid risk of any kind. While understandable given the market environment those that chose to remain invested in the markets have been well rewarded as both bonds and stocks have posted strong performance numbers since then. …

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Woman’s Overactive Bladder Control

To those who experience it, an overactive bladder can be very frustrating. In fact, it is a disability to feel that you need to find a restroom constantly throughout the day. Frequent and, sometimes, uncontrollable urination is embarrassing and complicates an already complicated world. The impact it can have socially, mentally, and physically can be stressful and exhausting. It is …

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Taking a Spin Around the Dance Floor Increases Mental Health

If you’ve ever watched ABC’s hit TV show “Dancing with the Stars,” then you know that dancing is hard work. Dance has long been known to be an excellent way to stay physically fit. But could there be mental and cognitive benefits to dancing as well? Recent studies have proven that symptoms of depression, stress, fatigue, and headaches can be …

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Cutting Edge Technology and Science Meet to Make You Look Years Younger!

Swan Age Reversal Centers specializes in aesthetic procedures that help their clients look younger, thinner, and more vibrant. Due to huge year round demand for their services, a new Naples office is opening August 2014 and a Sanibel location is opening October 2014. Swan Centers services hundreds of clients and does thousands of procedures annually and have a 98% approval …

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Enjoy a pain-free tee time

By Dr. John C. Kagan, M.D. Southwest Florida is one of the most popular areas in the country for golfers, with nearly 150 courses to choose from. Because of its popularity, however, golf injuries are common as well. While golf is often thought of as a low-impact sport, it can lead to ankle, elbow, spine, knee, hip and wrist injuries. …

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Men’s Health Month Erectile Dysfunction

By Harry Tsai, M.D. – Normal erectile functions depends on multiple factors such as blood flow, normal signals from the brain to the nerves and muscles in the penis, and testosterone levels.  Men who have difficulty obtaining, keeping an erection are considered to have erectile dysfunction. Cause . Lifestyle choices: being overweight, smoking, excessive alcohol, drug abuse . Health conditions: …

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Rising Temperature = Increase in Eye Injuries

It’s finally summer – and it’s all fun and games until somebody’s eye gets hurt. During the summer months the number of patients reporting to doctor’s offices and emergency rooms because of eye injuries increases exponentially. Keep that in mind while you are enjoying warm temperatures and the great outdoors. Pool Chemicals Pool chemicals are added to keep germs from …

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The 3 Estate Planning Documents You Need For 3 Big Life Events!

By Steven J. Gibbs, Esq. For any size estate, there are what I call the “Big 3” Estate Planning Documents and these are essential because they each address a major estate planning situation or “life event” as follows: 1.    Durable Power of Attorney – Disability 2.    Advance Healthcare Directive – Incapacity 3.    Last Will & Testament – Death Disability and …

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Osteoarthritis Pain Relief and Repair with Stem Cell Prolotherapy

Osteoarthritis is a chronic and debilitating joint disease. It occurs through a sequence of events that has, at its core, a loss of joint cartilage.This affects other joint structures, and eventually will lead to joint space narrowing and bony overgrowth, progressing until joint movement becomes noticeably restricted. What occurs before the cartilage loss? Osteoarthritis almost always begins with ligament weakness …

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