Lee Edition

Arthritis Relief Using Compounded Topical Creams & Gels

Do you experience pain caused by arthritis? If so and you don’t want to take yet another pill, you may decide to use a cream or gel to dull the pain. When your joints are painful or your muscles ache, topical ointments, those you apply to your skin, can offer relief. If you suffer from arthritis pain, you may benefit …

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Underlying Reasons for Limb Swelling

By Alyssa Parker – Many people may experience complications after an operation due to the significant amount of trauma your body endures. Whether it’s cancer related, non-cancer related, or a minor surgery, patients may develop post-operative symptoms such as swelling in a limb or a particular area of the body. Swelling in the limb which may appear to be temporary …

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A Brighter Smile

By Dr. Ricardo S. Bocanegra, DDS – Are you dreaming of a white Christmas this year? It is certainly the most wonderful time of the year, with Christmas parties and gifts to look forward to – but you don’t want your smile to let you down. Whether it is from drinking too much wine, tea or coffee – stains can …

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Hearing Loss and Alzheimer’s

By W.L. “Hunter” Huntley, III, HAS, BC-HIS Hearing loss is one of our nation’s leading handicapping disabilities, afflicting almost 40 million people.  One out of every ten people has some form of hearing impairment.  Additionally, twenty percent of teens currently have hearing difficulties.  Hearing problems can lead to a multitude of maladies if not resolved. Loss of income is often …

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Obesity and Heart Disease Weighing Your Risk

Nearly 70% of American adults are either overweight or obese. Being obese puts you at a higher risk for health problems such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes and more. Obesity is defined simply as too much body fat. Your body is made up of water, fat, protein, carbohydrate and various vitamins and minerals. If you have too …

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What You Need to Know Before A Hospital Stay

If you or a loved one will be going to the hospital as an inpatient, you could make the incorrect assumption that it will be like a stay in a luxury hotel but with better service.  After all, we in Southwest Florida do have beautiful hospital facilities like Health Park and Gulf Coast Medical Center.  They are visually attractive and …

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Alzheimer’s, Can it Happen to You Or a Loved One?

By Ulla-Undine Merritt (Dee) National Producer Number (NPN) 8853366 No one knows if they will get any disease, but the best course of action is always being prepared for the unknown.  It is never too early to sit down with an attorney and have a Will or Trust and Living Will (Advance Care Directive), drawn up.  Most attorneys have a …

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How Estate Planning, Elder Law & Asset Protection is a Symbiotic Relationship?

Dictionary.com defines “Symbiotic” as: “…having an interdependent relationship.” By Steven J. Gibbs, Esq. Self-help Guru Stephen Covey writes a great deal in his book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” about how “interdependence” is vital and involves working in a “synergistic  way” with the world around us. Google defines “synergy” as “the interaction or cooperation of two or more …

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Alzheimer’s Awareness – Alzheimer’s – – a word that brings fear to most senior adults. But what is Alzheimer’s Disease?

By Joseph Kandel, M.D. Alzheimer’s is a disorder of the brain that leads to a decline in memory, comprehension, thinking, and judgment. Often this is a slow process; occasionally it occurs more rapidly. Frquently, memory loss is the first sign of this disorder. However, not all individuals with memory loss have Alzheimer’s disease. It is quite common to misplace your …

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Seniors Seek Freedom from Lung Disease with Stem Cells

By Maren Auxier In the United States, we place the utmost value on independence and freedom, so much so that many young men and women have sacrificed their lives for it. The word independence has a different meaning to different people. For some, it means not living under the thumb of an oppressive government. For others, it means being able …

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