Lee Edition

On the Move with Post-Surgical Physical Therapy

By Dr. John C. Kagan, M.D. After joint surgery, it is essential to establish an effective recovery and rehabilitation plan in order to ensure that your body remains active and healthy. An effective physical therapy program is influenced by two factors: the type of surgery and the patient’s willingness to actively participate in his or her physical therapy program. Depending …

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Could You Be Gluten Intolerant? If so, tasty and healthy food options are available!

When many people hear about issues with gluten they automatically think of Celiac disease, but many people simply have an intolerance to gluten and not full-blown Celiac disease. When you have an intolerance, this likely will not show up on blood work so you need to track your symptoms, your diet and then see how the two match up. It …

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

By W.L. “Hunter” Huntley, III, HAS, BC-HIS The month of October is known as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Most people associate breast cancer only with women. However, over two thousand men are afflicted every year according to the American Cancer Society, resulting in approximately five hundred fatalities annually. In comparison, breast cancer in women causes over forty thousand deaths …

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Radiation Therapy

A powerful weapon against many cancer types By 21st Century Oncology Radiation therapy is one of the most common cancer treatments. It uses special equipment to deliver high doses of radiation to cancer cells. This damages the cancer cells and causes them to die. Advanced cancer treatment requires advanced technology. At 21st Century Oncology, our network of radiation therapy centers …

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House Call with Dr. Andy: Breast Cancer

By Andy Oakes-Lottridge, MD, FAAFP, President of the Lee County Medical Society Being 36 years old, and based on the current recommendations for breast cancer  screening,  Angela  shouldn’t really have had to worry about mammograms for another few years. Unfortunately, she has a strong family history of breast cancer, since her mother had it at 38 years of age. Angela’s …

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Magnesphere: The natural choice for relaxation and better health.

Symptoms of stress can affect your health and you may not even realize why your health is declining. Oftentimes, many people make the mistake of blaming an underlying illness is the cause of decreased energy, a headache that just won’t go away, or endless nights of sleeplessness. The truth is, most of the time, stress is actually the cause of …

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Find Unique Handmade Items at Local Craft Fair

Are you on the look-out for a nearby arts and crafts fair? No matter what you might be looking for, chances are you will find it at the Buckler Craft Fair being held at the Lee Civic Center on Saturday, November 7 and Sunday November 8. Annual Arts and Craft Fairs attract artisans and crafters from across the country, providing …

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When is Chest Pain Serious?

It’s 2 AM and you wake up with chest pain.  What should you do?  Maybe it’s just indigestion, but maybe it’s a heart attack. How do you know what to do? Heart attacks kill more people in the U.S. than any other single disease, and the most common symptom people have from a heart attack is chest pain.  The term …

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3 Steps Estate Planning – Steps You Can Take Now To Protect Loved Ones!

By Steven J. Gibbs, Esq. Hello Friends & Colleagues! At Health & Wellness, this month is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  We know that regular screenings are recommended for early detection and prevention of serious health concerns.  Other “lifestyle” recommendations include regular exercise, stress management and a healthy diet, and these lifestyle changes can be taken right now to aid …

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month A Survivor’s Perspective

It’s October again.  The month when the world turns pink.  For breast cancer patients and survivors, breast cancer awareness is January, February, March… You get the idea. This is a different take on breast cancer from one survivor’s perspective. First, a few facts. One in eight women will hear, “I’m sorry, you have breast cancer.” But, breast cancer is not …

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