Lee Edition

Holiday travel: leave your back pain at home!

By Joseph Kandel, M.D. The holidays are a magical time of year. But if you have a history of low back pain, this can be a very challenging time of year as well. People with back pain need to take special precautions when they travel. With travel you have a higher risk of new injuries to your back as well …

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Speech, More Than Just Talk

Most people associate speech therapy with the ability or lack there of to speak, and therapy associated with that. Speech rehabilitation is only a small part of what speech therapist do. In fact, speech-language therapists have many responsibilities in acute-care settings, medical inpatient rehabilitation, outpatient rehabilitation and rehabilitation in the home care setting. Speech Therapist work closely with physician specialists …

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Pelvic Floor Disorder: Are You at Risk?

An achy back, incontinence, and pelvic pain may all have one sneaky cause. And your doctor has probably never mentioned it. For a condition so hard to diagnose, Pelvic Floor Disorder, PFD, is surprisingly common. By some estimates, it affects one in three American women. Giving birth boosts your chances of developing a pelvic-floor issue by 18 percent if you’ve …

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Life Care Center of Estero Earns 5 out of 5 Stars

Life Care Center of Estero is pleased to announce earning 5 Stars with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) quality rating system. In 2008 CMS developed a star rating for skilled nursing facilities to help consumers make informed decisions regarding healthcare facilities in their area (www.medicare.gov/nursinghomecompare). The classification system looks at health inspections, staffing ratios (nursing and support …

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Osteoarthritis: A Pervasive and Painful Joint Condition

Find Relief with Prolotherapy By Debra K. Brinker, RN Osteoarthritis is a debilitating joint condition that affects people around the world. In fact, it is the most common joint disease globally. Since it is so vast and pervasive, symptomatic osteoarthritis (OA) causes substantial physical and psychosocial disability. OA limits millions of people in their daily activities due to its characteristic …

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Oxygen, Alkalinity and Your Health

By Yollo Wellness The most important factor in creating proper pH is increasing oxygen because no wastes or toxins can leave the body without first combining with oxygen. The more alkaline you are, the more oxygen your fluids can hold and keep. Oxygen also buffers/oxidizes metabolic waste acids helping to keep you more alkaline. “The Secret of Life is both …

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“Medical Breakthrough Has Changed Lives For Those Suffering From Back Pain… Without Drugs or Surgery!”

For a limited time experience this medical marvel for FREE as part of an exclusive trial offer. There are precious few medical breakthroughs so amazing that they literally change the established course of an entire field of medicine. But just as LASIK surgery revolutionized optometry, there is a procedure called Vax-D Therapy that has revolutionizing the field of spinal care. …

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Avoiding Animal Emergencies This Holiday Season

Affectionately Pets This time of year the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (1-888-426-4435) receives considerably more phone calls than usual. Friends and relatives who come to visit may leave bags out where pets may have access to their medications. Keep any and all medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, safely away from your pets at all times. The innumerable cold medicines, …

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The Prince of Peace

I suppose you’d have to be completely cut off from reality not to see it.  The world is a gloomy place, and seemingly getting gloomier.  Even as I sit down to write this, the world is weeping for the nightmare that happened in Paris.  Cruelty, hatred, murder and destruction undertaken by misguided people with a misguided view of God. Isaiah, …

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Are Stem Cells the Next Penicillin?

By David Ebner, Staff Writer Chances are that you have heard about stem cells—they have been in the news for years. But did you know that stem cells are being used right now in the United States to treat debilitating lung diseases? Sufferers of diseases like COPD, pulmonary fibrosis, emphysema and interstitial lung disease are receiving life changing stem cell …

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