Lee Edition

Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Heart

Healthy diet and lifestyle are your best weapons to fight cardiovascular disease. It’s not as hard as you may think!  Remember, it’s the overall pattern of your choices that counts. Make the simple steps below part of your life for long-term benefits to your health and your heart. Use up at least as many calories as you take in. • …

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When You are suffering from chronic back & necK Pain the road to recovery can seem difficult to follow…

If you are suffering from chronic, severe back or neck pain you are not alone.  Back pain is the leading cause of physical disability in the United States with over 50 million Americans suffering from back pain at any given moment.  Back pain is also the second reason for emergency room visits each year, second only to pregnancy. Back pain …

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How Safe Is Your Estate From Long Term Medical Cost Drainage?

By Steven J. Gibbs, Esq. Hello Friends & Colleagues! At Health & Wellness, planning for long term medical care costs is an ongoing concern.  Still, you may not know that even if you’ve taken the admirable step of setting up an estate plan, complete with Revocable Living Trust, Pour Over Wills, Durable Powers of Attorney, Medical Directives and a snazzy …

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“On Your Feet!” Ball of Foot Pain

By Christopher M. Cole, L.Ped Do you experience pain in the ball of your foot?  Ball of foot pain is a general term to denote a painful condition in the area just before the toes in the metatarsal region of the foot. These bones equally share the weight of a person during walking and daily activities. So, extreme pain in …

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Congress and the Vatican Agree: Stem Cell Therapy Shows Promise in Curing Diseases

By Maren Auxier – Staff Writer     Stem cell therapy is gaining worldwide support from international policymakers, including the U.S. Congress and the Roman Catholic Church, helping progress the field of regenerative medicine. Congress passed the Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Reauthorization Act on Dec. 16, 2015, securing stem cell industry funding for at least 5 more years. The Vatican …

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Attention Disorder: much more than just a lack of focus!

By Joseph Kandel, M.D. Have you been told by friends and family that you just don’t focus? That you can’t seem to pay attention? Has this been an ongoing issue, but now you feel it is time to address it? Well, no matter what you may have read or heard, Attention Deficit Disorder is a very real condition. There is …

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PSP, Lost in Identity

Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is a rare brain disorder that causes serious and progressive problems with control of gait and balance, along with complex eye movement and thinking problems.  PSP and Parkinsons present very similar, but they are quite different. Due to the fact that there isn’t a lot of resources out there for PSP or an over abundant of …

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Is Your Knee Joint Like a Loose Hinge? Repair Options using Regenerative Injection Therapy

By Debra K. Brinker, RN Most of us walk and go about our daily activities without much thought to the structure and stability of our knees, until they begin to hurt or we sustain an injury from a fall or while playing sports. Injuries to the ligaments of the knee are quite common. How often do we hear of athletes …

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New Cancer Therapy is Changing Lives

By Dr. Stan Headley The cancer world needed a game-changing product to give cancer patients more than just a “fighting chance” to survive cancer and the aggressive therapies used to kill cancer cells.  Patients have two great fears, first is the fear of the cancer itself, and the second is the fear of treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.  …

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Home Cleaning Tips for Pet Owners

Having pets increases the amount of elbow grease and housework you have to do. It’s a simple fact that most pet lovers gladly accept. But it’s not always sunshine and rainbows. Having pets can damage your home and reek havoc (pun intended) on its smell. Having an icky smelling home can be embarrassing if Fido and Fluffy like to relieve …

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